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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

 In a ground-breaking initiative, the Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission, with support from the World Bank, has embarked on a five-day intensive training program aimed at enhancing the teaching skills of primary one teachers.

The training, conducted under the Teacher Performance Management Division, targets not only teachers but also head teachers and school quality assurance officers, aiming to improve foundational learning through effective teaching and learning materials.

The program was officially held at St. Steven Technical Secondary School in Gobaru Town, Kpanga Krim Chiefdom. Madam Theresa Lango Byrne, the Deputy Director of Teacher Development and Performance at the Teaching Service Commission, addressed the participants.

 Madam Byrne emphasized the crucial role of primary one teachers in laying a solid educational foundation and expressed her desire to empower them with the necessary tools and techniques. The training sessions will equip teachers with essential skills to effectively teach primary one pupils, including phonics instruction, English language teaching methodologies, pronunciation of alphabets, and strategies for teaching reading and writing. Madam Byrne stressed that the training is a pilot phase, targeting four districts: Pujehun, Kono, Koinadugu, and Western Urban. The Teaching Service Commission expects participants to make the most of this opportunity and apply their newfound knowledge to enhance the educational experiences of their students.

 Leading the training sessions, Alieu George Kamara, a renowned educator from the Freetown Teachers College, revealed that the comprehensive training program will cover various aspects, such as teaching reading with phonics, explicit pedagogy, thematic posters, reading with phonics lesson plans, blending letters to read syllables, and developing fluency and comprehension in reading. Mr. Kamara urged the participants to remain focused and give their utmost dedication throughout the training period. He emphasized the importance of their role as primary one teachers, who lay the groundwork for pupils' future learning and success.

Matthew Brima Sakpa, one of the participants, expressed gratitude for being selected for this training program and considered it a blessing in disguise. He acknowledged the significance of training primary one teachers, emphasizing that the knowledge gained during the program would not go to waste. The Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission aims to ensure that the training message reaches all primary one teachers, as this initiative marks the beginning of a transformative approach to early education. As the program progresses, it is expected to have a far-reaching impact on the quality of education provided to young learners in Sierra Leone, setting a new benchmark for teaching practices and improving foundational learning outcomes. The Teaching Service Commission and its partners remain committed to supporting the professional development of educators and enhancing the educational landscape in Sierra Leone, thereby positively shaping the future of the nation's youth.


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