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By Abdul Martins Foday Amara

The "Kenema 4 Kenema" political campaign has officially been launched. Its mission is to empower the sons and daughters of Kenema District by promoting their leadership in all key political positions. The campaign is calling for local leadership across a wide range of roles, including District Council Chairman, Councilors, City Mayors, Members of Parliament, Town Chiefs, and other political offices, ensuring that they remain the heritage of the people of Kenema.

Spearheaded by the Kenema Heritage Stakeholders, the movement seeks to resolve the long-standing political disunity and infighting attributed to opportunists who have held key positions on behalf of the district without truly representing its interests. According to the stakeholders, it is crucial for those with a birthright to Kenema, whether Limba, Temne, Fullah, or Yalunka, to manage their political affairs and ensure a future where Kenema is represented by its legitimate heirs.

Importantly, the Kenema 4 Kenema campaign stresses that it is not about excluding or discriminating based on tribe or regional background. Instead, the objective is to restore political integrity by empowering legitimate representatives of Kenema and eliminating external influence. The movement also points to previous peace talks with politicians, traditional leaders, and community groups, which they claim have been sabotaged by outsiders.

As part of their appeal, the Kenema Heritage Stakeholders are urging President Julius Maada Bio and the leadership of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) to listen to the voices of Kenema District and endorse the call for self-governance and political control by local Kenema leaders. The campaign is determined to end what they describe as years of social dishonesty and disservice, paving the way for a united and politically empowered Kenema.

All indigenes are optimistic that this campaign will bring a lasting solution and pave the way for bonafide sons and daughters of the district to occupy significant positions in the district and, by extension, across the country.

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