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By Samuel Wise Bangura



 In recent years, Sierra Leone has witnessed a remarkable shift in its political landscape, with President Julius Maada Bio making a conscious effort to involve young people in key positions of power. This strategic move has recognized the youth demographic's immense potential and highlighted the significance of their involvement in shaping the nation’s future. By appointing young individuals to strategic cabinet positions, President Bio has paved the way for a new era of governance that embraces the enthusiasm, innovation, and diversity that young people bring to the table.

 Harnessing the Demographic Dividend: Sierra Leone, like many other African nations, has a predominantly youthful population. With approximately 60% of its citizens under the age of 35, the country possesses a vast reservoir of untapped potential. By involving young people in politics and governance, the government can harness this demographic dividend and channel it towards sustainable development. The appointment of young ministers and officials reflects a commitment to ensuring that the voices and aspirations of the youth are heard and acted upon.

 Enthusiasm and Fresh Perspectives: Young people are known for their enthusiasm and passion for change. Their energy and drive can inject new life into stagnant systems, revitalizing governance structures and policies. By bringing young minds into key decision-making roles, President Bio has opened the doors for fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to long-standing challenges. This infusion of youthful energy can help break the cycle of traditional thinking and pave the way for transformative reforms in various sectors.


Unleashing Innovation and Creativity: Innovation and creativity are the lifeblood of progress. Young people, unencumbered by the weight of history, often possess a unique ability to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom. By placing young individuals at the helm of ministries such as Information, Foreign Affairs, Communications, Agriculture, and Youth, President Bio has signaled his commitment to embracing cutting-edge technologies, fostering digital literacy, and leveraging innovation for economic growth. This emphasis on technological advancement and forward-thinking policies positions Sierra Leone to thrive in the digital age.

 Promoting Social Development: Young people have an inherent understanding of the challenges and aspirations of their peers. By involving them in decision-making processes, the government can ensure that policies and programs are tailored to address the needs of the youth. This inclusivity can lead to the development of comprehensive strategies that tackle issues such as education, employment, healthcare, and social welfare. Through their lived experiences, young officials can advocate for policies that promote social justice, equality, and sustainable development, ultimately creating a more inclusive society.


Contributing to National Development: The involvement of young people in politics and governance is not just symbolic; it is a practical step towards nation-building. By entrusting them with key positions, President Bio has demonstrated his belief in their ability to contribute meaningfully to Sierra Leone's development. Young ministers and officials bring a unique set of skills, perspectives, and networks that can be leveraged to drive progress. Their presence in government departments and agencies ensures that decisions are made with a holistic understanding of the challenges and aspirations of the youth.

 Conclusion: President Julius Maada Bio's deliberate efforts to involve young people in politics and governance mark a significant turning point in Sierra Leone's trajectory. By recognizing the relevance of the youth demographic, the government has tapped into a wellspring of talent, enthusiasm, and innovation. The appointment of young individuals to strategic cabinet positions signifies a commitment to harnessing the demographic dividend, embracing fresh perspectives, unleashing innovation, promoting social development, and driving national progress. As Sierra Leone moves forward, it is crucial that the momentum generated by this youth-centric approach is sustained, ensuring that young people continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future.



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