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 Hassan Juana Koroma in pujehun

 The residents of Taiama Main Junction, a densely populated area within the township of Taiama Kori chiefdom Moyamba District, have been pleading for a waste management disposal site to address the growing environmental concerns in their community. With the constant influx of residents and flourishing business activities, the absence of an organized waste management system has become a pressing issue.

The residents of Taiama Main Junction, eager to maintain a clean and healthy environment, have raised their voices to the government and the Moyamba District Council, urging them to assist in the form of a waste management truck or transportation services to dispose of waste materials efficiently.

Over the years, Taiama Main Junction has served as a significant commercial center, attracting businesses and shoppers alike.

The exponential growth of the township has led to an increase in waste generation, causing severe challenges for the community. Aminata Koroma, a concerned resident, highlighted their plight, saying, "The lack of an appropriate waste disposal system is causing significant harm to our environment. It is disheartening to witness the accumulation of waste on the streets, affecting our quality of life and potentially leading to health hazards.

 The absence of a designated waste disposal site affects the community’s aesthetics and raises concerns about the spread of diseases.

Residents resort to makeshift solutions, such as burning waste or dumping it in unauthorized locations, exacerbating the problem.

The residents of Taiama Main Junction are hopeful that swift action will be taken to alleviate their plight and preserve their beautiful community. They eagerly anticipate the government's support to create an efficient.




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