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By Morlai Sesay

The Sierra Leone Police is accused of trying to suppress justice in an accident involving a Hilux vehicle with Number Plate ALX believed to be owned by Ali and Sons and a giant truck owned by Hubsco Trading and Import Company with Number plate APK 789.

  Ali and Sons claimed that the Truck driver hit his car and got his driver with serious injury, but the Sierra Leone Police had already taken the side of the Indian National.  

AIMNet Newspaper followed up further on the allegation by conducting an inclusive interview with the Office in Charge at the Kissy   Police Station.

The Officer in Charge of the case, Sgt. Fomba Abu Senesie affirmed that the obstruction was evident and the accident scene itself was mad.

Sgt Fomba revealed that about four AIGs have contacted him and shown interest in the investigation. Sgt Senesie also intimated that he had also received orders from above to keep the files and stick to the information he had. He concluded that if he had done anything wrong, the police headquarters would have contacted him for an internal investigation. He assured that he was ready to help with further investigation but would not do anything compromising the ongoing investigation.

He revealed that Ali and Sons contacted him just after the accident, keen to know the next being that his vehicle had been smashed. Sgt Fomba said as a police officer, he is not representing himself or his family but rather a reputable institution in the country; therefore, he could compel anybody to foot his bill.

Fomba stated that he instructed Ali and Sons to work with him to further the investigation. He said he asked Ali and Sons or any other person in his organization to make a report at the Calaba Town police station or Kissy police station to have a medical paper that could help facilitate the investigation.

Sgt Fomba also confirmed that the people were taken to Wilberforce Hospital. He noted that several journalists have contacted him regarding the same. Office Fomba confidently stated that he is on track and has not done anything that would compromise his profession.


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