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By Morlai Sesay

In a recent announcement by the Ministry of Information, Sierra Leone celebrates its successful re-selection for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact Development.

This decision, made on Wednesday, 13 December 2023, was ratified by the MCC Board of Directors, presided over by United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The re-selection underscores a notable surge in confidence regarding Sierra Leone’s efforts to address concerns raised by the MCC Board back in September.

The primary focus of this re-selection centers on amplifying the availability of dependable and cost-effective electricity across Sierra Leone. The proposed Compact outlines comprehensive measures, including augmenting private sector involvement in power supply, doubling energy transmission capacity, bolstering access in designated towns, and fortifying governance within the sector. Following the recent conclusion of core feasibility studies to ascertain the scope of the Compact, Sierra Leone eagerly anticipates engaging in negotiations with the MCC to finalize this transformative process.

November 2023 witnessed Sierra Leone achieving a milestone by passing the MCC Scorecard for the fifth consecutive time. This accomplishment significantly contributed to Sierra Leone’s re-selection for the Compact. President Julius Maada Bio emphasized the invaluable role played by the MCC, stating, “The most valuable contribution MCC has made to Sierra Leone to date has been the provision of an objective framework to engage and assess Sierra Leone’s development aspirations reflecting both national expectations and international benchmarks.”

The government of Sierra Leone remains steadfast in its dedication to pivotal reforms essential for deepening democracy, fostering an improved investment climate, and cultivating the growth and fortification of human capital in alignment with MCC principles.

The highly anticipated Compact is poised to tackle the binding constraints of energy, making substantial strides towards economic growth and poverty alleviation for the people of Sierra Leone.

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