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In a passionate appeal to the residents of Pujehun District, the Chief Administrator of the Pujehun District Council, Sahr Emmanuel Yambasu, has called upon locals in the district to diligently pay their taxes diligently, emphasizing that tax payment is the cornerstone of the council's development efforts. The administrator highlighted that without the financial contributions of the people, tangible progress in the district would remain abstract. The council, he added, is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing development to the doorsteps of its constituents and aims to bolster its revenue generation this year. Citing the challenges posed by delayed government subventions, the administrator expressed his determination to reduce dependence on external funding sources.

Sahr Yambasu acknowledged that late disbursement of government funds had previously hindered the council's work, preventing them from meeting their targets. However, he assured the community that if property taxes, market dues, and other dues were promptly paid to the council, they would no longer have to wait for support from the central government.

Sahr Yambasu proudly declared that the council would utilize its source revenue to spearhead development initiatives, with the slogan “Put your mouth where your money is." Underscoring the importance of community involvement, the administrator stressed the need for collaboration among all stakeholders. He acknowledged that the council's growth and ability to bring about meaningful change relied heavily on the residents' active participation and financial contributions. By paying their taxes, citizens would have a vested interest in the development projects initiated by the council, ensuring that they are closely monitored and effectively implemented.

The chief administrator further stressed that the council has commenced issuing demand notices to residents to facilitate tax collection. The primary focus is collecting property taxes, market dues, and other forms of revenue that can fuel the council's development initiatives by streamlining the tax collection process and encouraging prompt payment. He concluded that the objective behind such moves is for the council to bolster its financial resources and accelerate progress within the district.

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