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 Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In a remarkable effort to bring the council closer to the people, the Pujehun District Council has successfully concluded its Fifth Ordinary Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

 The meeting, which took place in Kombema Town, YKK Chiefdom, was attended by councilors, paramount chiefs, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations, chiefdom stakeholders, and press members.

Addressing the attendees, Chairman Rogers thanked everyone for taking the time out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting.

 He emphasized the council's commitment to delivering tangible results and bringing development to the people’s doorstep. He urged the community to exercise patience while the council diligently fulfills its responsibilities.

Chairman Rogers also announced a significant development plan for the district. He pledged to rehabilitate the road from Fonima to Sumbuya Bessima in the Kpaka Chiefdom, which is of great importance as it serves four chiefdoms: Galliness, Kpaka, Perri, and YKK.  Chairman Rogers promised to undertake further development projects in various other areas.

During the meeting, Thomas Abu, the School Quality Assurance Officer from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), provided an update on the education sector. He reported that education activities in the district were progressing well, encouraging attendance in all schools. However, he highlighted the major challenge faced by the school feeding program. Some school heads were preparing meals during their own time, and effective schooling could not be carried out if the heads were absent.  Mr. Abu assured the council that the ministry was actively monitoring the situation.

Paramount Chief Brima Kamara of Kabondeh Chiefdom raised concerns about the underdevelopment in his chiefdom. He expressed disappointment that his chiefdom had been left behind in terms of development since the amalgamation of the chiefdom from Kpanga Kabondeh to Kpanga. Paramount Chief Kamara cited the lack of clean water facilities, proper school buildings for junior secondary schools, inadequate road networks, poor mobile network coverage, and other pressing issues. He appealed to the council to prioritize the development of his chiefdom.

Additionally, the heads of various council committees presented detailed reports during the meeting, highlighting their achievements and outlining plans.


The conclusion of the fifth ordinary monthly meeting marked another step forward in the Pujehun District Council's efforts to engage with the community and address their needs. Committing to results-oriented development, the council aims to create positive change and improve the people’s lives in the district.

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