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By Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

The Pujehun District Council (PDC) and the people of Pujehun District were in a mood of elation, celebrating the successful commissioning of several remarkable projects funded by the European Union (EU) with an estimated cost of 2.5 euros.

 These projects, spanning from various sectors, mark a significant milestone in the district's development trajectory. The commissioning ceremony, which took place at the conference room of the newly constructed 10-bedroom guest house in Pujehun Town, saw the inauguration of several infrastructure projects, including community centres at Bandajuma Sowa and Sahn Malen Towns, over 100 single and double box culverts at various locations, lockable stores, solar kiosks, and markets in selected communities.

These initiatives were part of the EU-funded Support to Civil Society and Local Authorities for Local Development in Sierra Leone project. The EU initiative, a four-year Endeavor, aimed at promoting service delivery, infrastructural development, and capacity building across six District Councils in Sierra Leone, including Pujehun.

The projects aimed to enhance residents' quality of life and empower Local Councils to achieve sustainable development and revenue generation.

During the ceremony, Ibrahim Borgiwa Swaray, chairman of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Pujehun District, who also doubles as chairman of the occasion, commended the council for its inclusive approach, involving CSOs throughout the project implementation. He pledged his continued support from CSOs and emphasized the importance of collaboration for further development.

Addressing the gathering, the Chief Administrator of Pujehun District Council, Sahr Emmanuel Yambasu, expressed gratitude to the EU for its generous support, highlighting the projects' transformative impact on local communities. He underscored the EU's role in enhancing the council's capacity and acknowledged various forms of assistance provided, including solar installations and staff capacity building.

Former Chairman of the Pujehun District Council, Sheik Sidie Shuibu Sowa, lauded the commissioning as one of his happiest moments, urging his successor, Chairman Foday Kandeh Rogers, to ensure the sustainability of the projects. He emphasized the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance, urging prudent use of generated revenues for further development.

On his part, the Chairman of the Pujehun District Council, Foday Kandeh Rogers, described the occasion as not only important but a blessing in disguise for the people of Pujehun District. He added that the EU-funded projects symbolize a significant step towards inclusive and sustainable development in Pujehun District, reflecting the collaborative efforts between local authorities, civil society, and international partners. Chairman Rogers furthered that the commissioning stood as a testament to the potential of partnerships in fostering community-driven progress.

He continued that the project aims to enhance effective and efficient public service delivery to the people. He assured the team that the council would utilize the facilities for their intended purpose.

Representing the EU delegation, the Cooperation Manager, Julius I.K. Foday Esq, reiterated the EU's commitment to grassroots development and emphasized the principle of subsidiarity.

He highlighted the significance of Local Councils in driving economic development and called for accountability in resource utilization.

In his keynote address, the Deputy Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs, Alfred Morie Jamiru, conveyed a heartfelt message to the Minister of Local Government, citing the remarkable investments the EU has made in the country over the years. He assured the European Union of government continued support and collaboration. He implored the residents of Pujehun District to own the facilities brought to them by the European Union. He disclosed that the 23 million Euro project “Support to Civil Society and Local Authorities for Local Development in Sierra Leone” was officially launched on 10 July 2020 in Makeni by President Julius Maada Bio. During the ceremony, he said the EU signed grants with the Local Councils for  Pujehun, Kenema, Bombali, and Kambia Districts.

 The actions foreseen under the four grants seek to strengthen the capacity of the selected councils to mobilize own-source revenue and deliver efficient services to the communities in partnership with the private sector and civil society organizations. Each council grant covered a range of jointly prioritized investments in sectors such as agriculture, infrastructural development, water and sanitation, energy, and social services.

 Meanwhile, the occasion culminated with the presentation of certificates, cultural performances, and the cutting of ribbons at various locations in Pujehun Town. Later, the delegation journeyed to Bandajuma Sowa to commission the ultramodern community centres and beyond.

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