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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

 Following the first official visit of the American Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Ambassador Bryan David Hunt, and to Pujehun District specifically, the local community has appealed to him to fulfill his promise of support.

 The Chairman of the Pujehun District Council, Foday Kandeh Rogers, expressed gratitude for the assistance provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other organizations. However, he humbly requested Ambassador Hunt's intervention in crucial areas such as school and peripheral health unit rehabilitation, support for the feed saloon project initiated by His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio, and the rehabilitation of roads leading to commercial business areas.

The people of Pujehun District eagerly await the fulfillment of this significant gesture and have appealed to Ambassador Hunt, urging him to demonstrate his kind, humanitarian nature.

During their discussions, Ambassador Hunt assured the community of his commitment to supporting Pujehun District comprehensively.

He pledged to revamp the economic situation of the Wanjamarians, instilling confidence in their present and future.

The Chairman of the Pujehun District Council, Foday Kandeh Rogers, emphasized the importance of rebuilding and rehabilitating educational institutions and peripheral health unit facilities.

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