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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

The District Executive of the Sierra Leone Commercial Motor Bike Riders Union in Pujehun has successfully concluded its park elections throughout the district. The Park election attracted District stakeholders, past executives and members of the Riders union, security personnel, and the press.

Addressing all present on Sunday 17 December 2023 at the election of Park One executive, the District chairman of the union Lahai Seitua, expressed his overwhelming satisfaction with the smooth and successful conduct of the elections in all parks. He said they are closely observing the final Park One election, which holds significant importance. Chairman Seitua emphasized the need for a thorough assessment of this election and urged all members to actively participate in the process.

In a statement, Seitua called upon all members to gracefully accept the outcome of the election, as competitions inevitably result in winners and losers. He highlighted the importance of embracing one another and working together for the overall development and prosperity of the Bike riding profession.


Lawrence Sao Taylor, the District Traffic Officer in Pujehun, extended his gratitude to the management of the Riders Union for their commendable efforts in organizing the elections.

DTO Taylor urged all members to act responsibly and exhibit positive behavior for the betterment of the entire community. He also acknowledged the existence of certain riders who had been displaying negative conduct, cautioning that such actions tarnish the reputation of the entire group in the eyes of society.

Newly Elected Park One Chairman Bryma Dao Samba, expressed his gratitude and described the day as a blessing in disguise. Samba appealed to the outgoing executive to extend their support to his team, emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation. He stressed that success could only be achieved when minds are united, and he called upon all members to work together as a cohesive team.

The newly elected executive is now entrusted with the responsibility of leading the Motor Bike Riders Union in Pujehun Town and working towards the welfare and progress of its members ‘’Chairman Samba said ‘’

The successful conclusion of the park elections has set a positive tone for the future endeavors of the Motor Bike Riders Union in Pujehun District, promoting unity, responsible behavior, and collective efforts for the greater good of the community.  The occasion was marked by the presentation of the


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