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By Mohamed M. Sesay

President Julius Maada Bio and Development Partners at State House on Thursday, the 25th of April 2024, commemorated and launched Malaria Vaccines for children.

In his statement, President Julius Maada Bio confessed that he was engulfed with joy regarding the launch of the Malaria Vaccine. He said his government is launching the Malaria Vaccine for children under the age of two years. He described malaria as a formidable force destroying communities across the country. He stressed that too many families had been killed due to malaria. President Bio assured that with the launch of the Malaria Vaccine, such a terrible killer disease would now come to an end.

President Bio maintained that malaria remains the most prevalent killer disease in the country. He said the disease accounts for 40.4% of cases in the hospitals. He continued that over the last six years, his government had made great moves to eradicate malaria. He called on all to continue conducting additional measures geared towards eradicating malaria by 2030.

 "We must collectively remain vigilant in our collective malaria disease prevention", he said.

He said the introduction of the malaria Vaccine is a testament to the country’s quest to achieve zero malaria across the country. President Bio noted that the launch of the vaccine is not the only means to eradicate malaria. He therefore, called on all and sundry to redouble the efforts in providing clean Sanitation and using treated bed nets.

President Bio congratulated the scientists who invented the malaria Vaccine. He also commended the parents and caregivers for entrusting the government with all the vaccines. He reaffirmed his government and the people of Sierra Leone’s commitment to the fight against Malaria and to ensure zero malaria by 2030.

The Deputy Minister (1), who also doubles as the Acting Minister of Health, Professor Charles Senesie, said World Malaria Day is an occasion meant to invest in eradicating malaria. He said on this day, nations come together to combat malaria. He disclosed that malaria continues to be the highest killer decrease across the country. He said as a government, they are working hard to increase the number of health workers. He said innovation had played a crucial role in eradicating malaria. He said implementing WHO recommendations for the eradication of malaria is very important. He called on all to commit to the fight against Malaria and accelerate the fight against Malaria through an inclusive approach.

The US Amb. Bryan David Hunt Confessed that the launch of the malaria vaccine was commended as a very timely and universal distribution. He recalled that since 2017, the US government had provided malaria bed nets for the government of Sierra Leone, which were judiciously used. He said Sierra Leone had now joined five other African countries to prevent malaria, especially for children. He assured the government that the USA would support the government to assist in ensuring that such an initiative succeeds. He commended the energy of those on the Frontline, ensuring that Sierra Leone secures a malaria-free future.

The UNICEF Representative, Liv Eliv Indreiten, said the introduction of the malaria vaccine marks the end of several months of careful planning by the National Immunization Programme of the Ministry of Health, with support from development partners. She disclosed that UNICEF procured and delivered the vaccines with funds from GAVI and technical support from WHO.

She added that UNICEF and WHO fully support the Ministry of Health's efforts to expand the immunization schedule and recognize the malaria vaccine introduction as an important milestone towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The strong political commitment of the Government of Sierra Leone, particularly the Ministry of Health, the leadership of the National Immunization Program, the District Health Management Teams, District and Chiefdom authorities, and efforts by health workers and communities had contributed to this success.

She intimated that the first malaria vaccine shipment of 550,000 doses arrived late last year, which she considered as a testament to the unwavering commitment of their global partners, especially GAVI, and the government's dedicated efforts in prioritizing the health and well-being of the people in Sierra Leone.

The Chief Executive Officer of Orange Mobile Company Sierra Leone, Sheku Amadu Bah, said Malaria had for too long posed a health threat for children and mothers. He added that the vaccine would help address that long heath threat the country is faced with. He called for information sharing, considering reaching out to remote communities is vital. He said that with robust communication, vital information would reach the people regarding the importance of the vaccine being launched. He said they had invested in several health programmes, adding that the new malaria Vaccine launched would not be an exception. He expressed thanks to the Government for bringing the vaccine initiative to tangible realization. He assured that Orange Sierra Leone remains Committed to eradicating malaria in 2030.

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