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By State House Communication Units

State House, Freetown, Monday 8 January 2024 - His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has presided over the swearing-in ceremony of the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kadiatu Alie, as per provisions in the 1991 Constitution that require public officials to take oath before assumption of office.

The Secretary led the ceremony to Cabinet, and the Head of the Civil Service, Mr. John Sumailah, informed the President of the recent Parliamentary approval of Mrs. Alie to serve as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Finance, as advised by His Excellency.

Now, therefore, following Section 57 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, Act No. 6, 1991, which requires a Minister or Deputy Minister not to enter upon the duties of his or her office unless he or she has taken and subscribed to the oath as prescribed," he stated.

While appreciating her appointment to serve the country, Deputy Minister of Finance, Mrs Kadiatu Alie, revealed how long she had waited for this dream to come true. She emphasized, ‘His Excellency, I am in no way exaggerating my excitement and appreciation for this unbelievable opportunity to serve my country in the most distinguished of ways’’.

There are moments when you wish there were just the right words, the apt phrases, and the most appropriate sentences to capture your thoughts, imagination, and gratitude for the grace and opportunity extended to you.

Recognizing that many others are more worthy than I am, Mr. President, you have asked me to serve in this distinguished office. I am poor with words and inadequate with expressions, but if I had a wish at this moment, it would be that my gratitude and appreciation could be revealed to their fullest. I am grateful, Mr. President, I am humbled by your Excellency’’.

President Julius Maada Bio, while presiding over the swearing-in ceremony, congratulated the deputy minister on her appointment and approval by Parliament to serve in her new position of trust, adding that he was confident and positive that she would effectively handle the affairs of the office.

The President revealed that hers was a daunting task requiring all her skills and knowledge, adding that he believed she could play her part in achieving the government’s overall goal.


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