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By Morlai Sesay

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio received a significant goodwill message from the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, communicated through a representative at the consultative summit of the African Union Committee of Ten (C-10) Heads of State and Government on the reform of the United Nations Security Council.

The message conveyed the Secretary General’s continual advocacy for Security Council reform, emphasizing the need to redesign the international governance architecture for universality, specifically serving as a global safety net for developing countries. Acknowledging that 60% of the Security Council’s agenda concerns African issues, the Secretary-General highlighted Africa’s justified demand for better representation on the council.

Addressing historical injustice, President Bio, as the Coordinator of the C-10, highlighted Africa’s underrepresentation in the Security Council, attributing this situation to colonial legacies.

He stressed the importance of seizing opportunities arising from the ongoing intergovernmental negotiations (IGN) and engaging with the five permanent members of the Security Council to facilitate progress in reform efforts.

President Bio mentioned his previous discussions with President Biden regarding UN Security Council reform, noting the commitment made by the US President to lead the development of a reform plan.

He further outlined plans to utilize Sierra Leone’s presidency of the UN Security Council in August 2024 to host a high-level event on Security Council reform, aiming to address historical injustices toward Africa.

In advocating for Africa’s prioritization in Security Council reform, President Bio proposed engaging all P-5 members and coordinating efforts among the C-10 Heads of State and Government to ensure a unified voice in calling for Africa’s special consideration in the reform process.

The President’s comprehensive engagement strategy with key stakeholders and diplomatic initiatives underscores Sierra Leone’s commitment to advocating for equitable representation and addressing historical imbalances in the UN Security Council.

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