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By Mohamed M. Sesay

As part of his leadership vision for a healthy nation, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has on Thursday the 14th of December 2023, launched the National Public Health Agency at the Freetown International Conference Center.

In his keynote address, President Julius Maada Bio intimated that the establishment of the National Public Health Agency signals his commitment to the well-being of citizens and the advancement of the public health infrastructure. He added that it is a bold declaration of their resolve to build a resilient public health system ─ one that could effectively prevent, detect, and respond to the multitude of health threats that face the nation and the World.

‘’Today, we are witnessing the realization of a vision that has been nurtured through collective efforts. A shared determination to build a resilient and responsive healthcare system to ensure the health and prosperity of every Sierra Leonean. With the lessons learned from the 2014 to 2016 Ebola outbreak in the Manor River Basin, Sierra Leone has made significant improvements in disease surveillance systems, including the revitalization of a well-structured Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response and the introduction of the Field Epidemiology Training Programme’’, he said.

President Bio furthered that the investments made due to the lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak had led to significant improvements in the country's preparedness for epidemics, as evidenced by their robust COVID-19 pandemic response. As a Government, he said they know that without strong political will and a dedicated focus on the public health infrastructure, systems, and personnel, they would struggle to maintain that development trajectory.

President Bio edified that the National Public Health Agency is a science-based Government organization that would serve as a focal point for leadership, expertise, and coordination to address public health concerns in line with national public health needs and compliance with International Health Regulations and the Global Health Security Agenda.

He assured that the National Public Health Agency would play a pivotal role in coordinating and strengthening public health initiatives and serve as a central hub for surveillance, response, and research, enabling them to detect and address health threats promptly.  He added that the integration of modern technology and data-driven approaches would empower the country’s healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and enhance the overall efficiency of the healthcare system.

‘’ By strengthening our public health capabilities, we do not only safeguard the well-being of our citizens but also contribute to regional and global efforts to combat emerging health challenges. I extend my deepest gratitude to the stakeholders who have worked tirelessly to bring this National Public Health Agency to fruition. The dedicated healthcare professionals, the experts in public health, our development and technical partners, and the many others who have contributed their expertise and resources’’, he said.

President Bi reiterated that the National Public Health Agency would l not operate in isolation. He said it would be a collaborative endeavor, working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Health, other  Government agencies, Civil Society Organisations, Development Partners, and the Private Sector. Together, he said they would build a robust public health infrastructure that serves the needs of the people.

‘’With dedication, collaboration, and a shared vision for a healthier Sierra Leone, we can overcome any challenge to build a robust public healthcare delivery system that will be responsive to the needs of our people. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, on this 14th Day of December 2023, it is with great pride that I officially launch the National Public Health Agency of the Republic of Sierra Leone’’, he concluded.

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