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By Fohad M. Kallay in Kono

To bolster the fight against tuberculosis (TB), Partners in Health (PIH), Kono, launched a comprehensive five-day refresher training program for community health workers across the district’s chiefdoms on Friday, March 22nd, 2024.

Sylvester Sidibay Aruna, the Training Coordinator, emphasized the program’s objective: equipping health workers with the latest knowledge on Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) TB and its implications. This includes understanding the risks associated with MDR-TB for both healthcare providers and the communities they serve, particularly in the context of treatment adherence for TB patients.

Aruna stressed the importance of keeping health workers abreast of evolving health threats like MDR-TB. He underscored their crucial role in educating patients on the dangers of failing to adhere to prescribed treatment regimens.

Tamba Allieu Missah, a participant representing Nimikoro Chiefdom, expressed his appreciation for the timely training. He highlighted the valuable knowledge gained and pledged to apply the acquired skills to benefit his community diligently. Missah specifically lauded the training’s focus on various outreach strategies, which will undoubtedly enhance the effectiveness of community health workers.

This training initiative by PIH Kono represents a significant step towards ensuring sustainable healthcare delivery within the district. By equipping health workers with the tools and knowledge necessary to combat MDR-TB, PIH Kono is working to safeguard the community's health and prevent the spread of this dangerous drug-resistant disease.

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