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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay in Kono.

According to the District Secretary of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone in Kono District Mohamed Kabba, the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone is strongly against Coco Samba drug in the district and the country by an extension adding that, they would soon effect the arrest of people selling Coco Samba.

Speaking to AimNet Newspaper, he disclosed that sometime around November this year,  the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone National, issued out press release to put a hold on the sales of coco samba drug in the market and for people to stop its consumption.

The District Secretary of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone in Kono District Mohamed Kabba, said Coco samba is a non-alcoholic natural Herb drink that didn't go through the  Pharmacy Board of  Sierra Leone. He said that for any drug entering the country, it is mandatory to go through the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone for its quality laboratory test before the consumption of the drug by the people.

" Drug should have a prescription, who should take it and who should not and this drug doesn't have such", he said.

He maintained that as a responsible institution that has the legal mandate to effectively monitor and regulate all drugs entering the country, they would ensure to save the lives of the people of Sierra Leone.

" For us Coco samba products we really doubt it, because the products are not registered with the board and as it stands,  people are urged to deviate from the consumption of coco samba drug. We don't even know the importers",  he admonished.

He further stated that they had tried to reach out to the importers of the said product to register with the board but proved futile. He stressed that there are fines for any defaulters including anyone found in possession of coco samba drug and such persons would be arrested and charged to court. The District Secretary of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone Mohamed Kabba said that they are on public education against the drug. He called on the people of Kono District to stop the consumption of Coco samba until the importers go through the process of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone.

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