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Updated: Sep 21

On Monday, September 16th, 2024, Senator Judy Shwank of the Pennsylvania State Senate hosted the Honorable Racheal Pessima and the Presidential Adviser on Youth Chairman Desmond Pessima at the commencement of the first session of the Senate just after the Summer Break.

At the Pennsylvania State Senate, Honorable Pessima shared with Senator Shwank some of the activities she is currently undertaking as a Member of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone representing locals of Port Loko District. Among her development visions shared with Senator Judy Shwank include health promotion, education, sports, and advocacy for rape victims.

Equally, the Presidential Adviser on Youth  ⁠Chairman Pessima shared President Bio’s big five game changers with the objective of securing partnerships with the state in the areas of cocoa bean production and industrialization, technical expertise for youths, and education.

Thrilled by the Pessima Family's visit, ⁠Senator Shwank expressed delight in continuing mutually beneficial discussions with them and, by extension, Sierra Leone to explore possible areas of cooperation. After a fruitful discussion, the Honorable Pessima and Chairman Desmond Pessima were granted an extensive tour of the Pennsylvania State Capital.

The Special Guests of Honour were ⁠ introduced to all members of the PA state senate inside the senate floor, highlighting the key activities and achievements of the Honorable Member of Parliament and Chairman Pessima. Hon. Pessima and Chairman Desmond Pessima received a standing round of applause from the senators.

The two Sierra Leonean Dignitaries also Met with Senator John Kane, who represents Chester County and Delaware. Kane underscored the economic impact of Sierra Leoneans in the two county while extending profound Felicitation to the Sierra Leonean communities through the Pessima Family.

The Pessimas and Senator Shwank earlier met in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA, where both were invited as co-guests of honor at the Annual Fundraising Dinner and Dance organized by the Sierra Leone Association of Reading, PA (SLAR).



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