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Former World Vision Office in Kpaka Chiefdom, Pujehun District

By Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In a monthly council meeting held on January 31, 2024, at Kombema town in YKK Chiefdom, the Paramount Chief of Kpaka Chiefdom, PC John Salia Rogers, who also doubles as the Secretary General of the Council of Paramount Chiefs in Pujehun District, expressed his strong dissatisfaction with World Vision International's operations in his chiefdom. He asserted that despite the organization's presence for the past 13 years, the area has had no significant development or setback.

PC John Salia Rogers revealed that when World Vision International initially approached his community, he provided them with a well-built structure, originally constructed by the government, to serve as their dwelling house. However, to his dismay, after completing their activities and interventions, he said  World Vision abandoned the structure, leaving it in disrepair with broken doors and windows.

Furthermore, the Paramount Chief criticized the overall impact of World Vision's activities and interventions in his chiefdom, describing them as underwhelming and unimpressive. He pointed out that a building intended to be constructed as the organization's office remains incomplete and abandoned in a nearby bush.

In response to these concerns, PC John Salia Rogers called on the council to proactively monitor World Vision International's activities and interventions in the district. He noted that many councilors are unaware of the organization's actions, highlighting the need for increased transparency and accountability.

Foday Kandeh Rogers, Chairman of the Pujehun District Council, expressed his disappointment at World Vision's failure to participate in district development committee meetings for over a year, which he deemed highly disrespectful. He urged the organization to involve councilors in their respective working communities and keep them informed about their activities.

 He concluded by appealing to World Vision, as a humanitarian organization, to collaborate more closely with relevant stakeholders. In response to the concerns raised, Augustine Belewa, the Cluster Program Manager of World Vision for Pujehun District, thanked the stakeholders for bringing these issues to their attention.

He emphasized that World Vision is a Christian organization and assured the Paramount Chief and other stakeholders that their concerns have been noted. Mr. Belewa pledged to escalate the matter to the top management for prompt action. He also mentioned that World Vision Canada has supported interventions in Kpaka Chiefdom and beyond.

The concerns raised by PC John Salia Rogers and Chairman Foday Kandeh Rogers highlight the urgent need for World Vision International to reassess its operations in Kpaka Chiefdom and ensure better communication, collaboration, and accountability with local stakeholders.

 The paramount chief's call for increased monitoring and the chairman's appeal for councilors’ involvement underscores the importance of fostering constructive partnerships to achieve meaningful and sustainable development in the district.

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