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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay in Kono

Paramount Chief Komba Sangor Korgbende Kaimanchende, the fourth, has been duly elected Paramount Chief of Gbense Chiefdom in KONO District.

The Gbense Paramount Chieftaincy election was held on the 16th of January 2024 at the Gbense Administrative Hall. It was conducted by the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone Kono office, overseen by the returning officer, the Provincial Secretary, the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, Council of Paramount Chiefs Kono, Government Officials, Security Personnel, TAs, Local Authorities, and the media.  Seven candidates contested for the Paramount Chieftaincy staff of Gbense Chiefdom in the KONO District.

PC elect Komba Sangor Korgbende Kaimanchende, the fourth, polled 982 votes, representing 76.1%.

Tamba Komoh Thorlie secured 150 votes, representing 11.1%; Sahr Barkuneh Korgbende Kaimanchende 66 votes cast in his favor, which represented 5.1%; Njarquee Bona 16 votes, representing 1.2%; Samuel Mark Thorlie 8 votes representing 0.6% and Sheku Korgbende Kaimanchende 3 votes cast in his favor which represent 0.3%.

The landslide victory of Paramount Chief elects Komba Sangor Korgbende Kaimanchende the Fourth was described as the first in the history of Gbense Paramount Chieftaincy elections in which he scored the highest percentage of 982 votes with 76.1% no-runoff.

Before, 14 aspirants had shown interest in the position, and during the Gbense Chieftaincy declarations, 7 aspirants were successfully awarded boxes. In contrast, the remaining others were not fortunate, and one among them, David Kaimanchende, filed a case with the High Court for denying his rights before the election.

 Gbense Paramount Chieftaincy elections resulted from the death of late Hon. PC Sahr Fengai Korgbende Kaimanchende the third of Gbense Chiefdom. His death was reported in early January 2023 in Ghana.

Gbense Chiefdom is not only a class A Chiefdom but the hub of KONO District in terms of development, and it hosts almost all the government offices and many public places, including the Kono University of Science and Technology, Government Technical Institutes, The main Government Referral Hospital, MDAs, EDSA/ EGTC power station facilities, the central Lorry Park, Gbense Market and the football field and many other public facilities.

The newly elected Paramount Chief of Gbense Chiefdom, PC Komba Sangor Korgbende Kaimanchende the Fourth, thanked all his people for casting their votes for him, and they made no mistake in choosing him as their Paramount Chief of Gbense Chiefdom.

"I will continue to work for the Development of Gbense Chiefdom and its people and ensure I continue where my late elder brother stopped. Thank you all," he said.

He is optimistic about bringing the positive change the people of Gbense Chiefdom are demanding, and he is open to working with all his rivals for the betterment of Gbense Chiefdom.

However, the Gbense Paramount Chieftaincy elections were peaceful, and security was felt. Some of the TAs Expressed joy for the victory of PC Komba Sangor Korgbende Kaimanchende the fourth. They called on him to work with family, brothers, and Colleague candidates in the just-concluded Paramount Chieftaincy race.

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