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  By Abdulai Kargbo

In a bid to implement robust legislative decisions against ‘Kush’ marketers, the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone has on Tuesday, the 12th of March 2024,  unanimously agreed to summon the Inspector General of Police, head of the Sierra Leone Port Authority (SLPA) and the head of the National Drugs Law Enforcement  Agency (NDELA) for their in actions towards the highfalutin intake drugs especially ‘kush’ among the youthful population in the country.

After putting the motion forward at the well of Parliament, it was conscientiously agreed to invite the following leadership of institutions, including the leadership of the Sierra Leone Port Authority (SLPA), the leadership of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), the leadership of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDELA), and the leadership of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) at 11:00 am on Monday 18th March 2024 at Committee Room 1 to answer to relevant questions.

In his statement at the well of Parliament, Deputy Speaker Hon. Sengepoh Thomas expressed the necessity to consider ‘Kush’ as a public health emergency, adding that it should be treated as a pandemic. He recounted the adverse effects the dangerous substance had plagued promising youths in the country. The Deputy speaker admonished MPs to be very careful and protective of their food as he said it had gotten to the level of administering it to people without their consent. "Please guide your food so they won't make fun of you in such a matter," he said.

Refuting claims of ‘Kush’ being imported, the Hon. Leader of Government Business Mathew Nyuma confirmed that ‘Kush’ is being produced in Sierra Leone. He said ‘Kush’ is formed by putting different substances together to form a drug.  The Leader therefore stated that there would be no device to detect ‘Kush’.

Hon. Nyuma expressed sympathy for the ‘Kush’ victims after seeing a video clip of how the victims were being manhandled. He said the Government should strongly stand up to chase ‘Kush’ Marketers instead of the victims, saying the legislation is there, but the enforcement is the problem.

The Hon. Leader of Government Business said they should further urge the Government to consider Kush a Public Health emergency. He added that just as they did for sexual violence, they should also implement the same strategies to combat Kush. He mentioned arresting marketers on-site, prosecuting them, and sentencing them. He reinforced the need to allow the sentence of Kush Marketers, saying they should be proactive and futuristic.

Adding his contribution to the debate, the Opposition Leader, Hon. Abdul Kargbo, acknowledged the points being put forward by the Leader of Government Business on addressing the challenges of Kush. He read a quote from the constitution that makes provisions for such a related situation to be treated with utmost consideration. Hon. Abdul Kargbo said they should expeditiously work in collaboration and even communicate with the President to solicit measures to address the ‘Kush’ menace.

The Hon. MP Veronica Kadie Sesay expressed deep concern with regards to how the Kush addicts had been suffering. She said they were all part of the people who voted for them and said they should go all out to protect them. She said most of them are potential MPs and other great people in Society. She said she is very happy about their unified decision to address Kush Menace.

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