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By Mohamed M. Sesay

The Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone, under the leadership of the Acting Speaker Hon. Segepoh Thomas, has, on Thursday,  18th of January 2024, unanimously enacted the National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency  Act 2024. 

The new Bill, if gotten the Presidential assent, seeks to make provision for the establishment of The National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency as a semi-autonomous body with authority to ensure greater accountability and transparency in the disbursement and use of public funds, to provide for the promotion of efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of programs and Projects and to provide for other related matters.

Presenting the Bill, the Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, said the document was essential and that, currently, the country does not have such legislative guidance. The chief minister said the bill would improve MDAs and decision-making by considering the effective implementation of policies and programs. He informed the House that the Act is a best practice in many countries and would help to hold MDAs accountable and proffer recommendations. The Chief Minister highlighted the Bill's importance and explained the content, structure, composition, penalties, and huge benefits. He recalled President Bio’s positions and other State authorities on the Bill and assured the House that the document would promote national monitoring and evaluation. "This Act will not replace Audit Service, ACC, and others but rather help. I spoke about the impact coordination and planning aspects and benefits of the bill,’’ he stated.

While reassuring Parliament, the Chief Minister spoke about the Act's financial implementation and legal implications, said they would do everything possible to promote effectiveness, transparency, and accountability, and emphasized that the Act would build public confidence in governance. The Chief Minister outlined the relationship between the Act and other related policies and acts.

Hon. Mohamed Alpha Jalloh from Falaba predicated his debate on openness, transparency, and accountability of the Government and went on to raise a series of concerns about debating the Auditor General’s Report, the composition of the Bill remunerations of officials, and the authority of the entity in the light appointment or recruitment. He urged the Chief Minister to ensure due diligence.

Hon Sellu from Moyamba District eloquently explained the relevance of monitoring and evaluation and commended the Chief Minister for the document. The MP advised the Chief Minister to ensure that the donor funding program works in consonance with the agency. Hon Sellu spoke about the clear monitoring and evaluation framework, considered certain aspects of the Bill, and informed the House that the bill would build donor confidence in the country. He emphatically expressed the relevance of monitoring and evaluation considering the impact. The bill was considered non-controversial by all Members of Parliament and eventually passed into law.


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