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By Ibrahim Thoronka (Cavani) in Lunsar

The regional leadership's selection of Hon. Rachel Mariatu Sesay Pessima as an Ambassador for female football in the Northwest Region has exemplified an incredible allegiance to heightening the stature of female football in the Northwest Region.

Through this strategic position, the Hon. Ambassador has showcased her willingness and Candor to prioritize the improvement and growth of female football in the region, paving the way for greater opportunities and recognition for talented female athletes. Hon. Rachel Pessima's appointment not only embodies a substantial step toward gender parallelism in sports but also exemplifies tangible accomplishments to endow women in the footballing coliseum. Her recent contributions to the twelve participating teams in the ongoing playoffs as an Ambassador cannot be overemphasized,

One hundred and twenty thousand new leones (Nle 120,000.00) was given by the Ambassador to team managers to help boost the competitive spirit of the young girls.

Assigning this significant role to Hon. Rachael Pessima reflects a forward-thinking technique to empower and acknowledge the untapped capacity and vast talent that exists within the football community. As Hon. Pessima becomes the biggest sports promoter, the Northwest region has set an encouraging example for other regions and stakeholders to copy.

Today, the northwest region is undertaking a transformative journey to achieve football growth. The regional leadership's visionary approach and tireless efforts have created an enabling environment for the sport's development and growth, bringing about positive changes and exciting opportunities for football enthusiasts in the region.  

Hon. Rachael Pessima's leadership style is captioned by a genuine passion for football and a strong belief in its potential to bring about social cohesion, economic growth, and individual empowerment. Recognizing the importance of sports in fostering unity and community development, she has taken proactive steps to create an enabling environment and support and promote football at all levels, from grassroots to professional.

Hon. Pessima's efforts have not gone unnoticed, as the region has seen a considerable rise in the popularity and competitiveness of female football. Local female teams are performing well in regional competitions, attracting increased media coverage and public support. This success has boosted the morale of players and fans alike, further fueling the momentum for the sport in the region.

 Moreover, Hon. Amb Rachael Mariatu Sesay Pessima's inclusive and transparent approach to her leadership has earned her respect and admiration from football stakeholders across the country. A justification of the above assertion is her current appointment as the president of Bai Bureh Warriors Football Club by the team executive led by the vice president two (2) of the Sierra Leone Football Association, who also doubles as the Mayor of Port Loko City, Mr. Alieu Badara Tarawalie. Today Bai Bureh Warriors Football Club, which was in the mud of relegation in the Leone Rock Premier League, has made its way out of relegation within the twinkle of an eye due to the financial boost given to the management to secure the signatures of new players plus the match bonus place for winning a match and for scoring a goal.

Glimpsing forward, Hon. Amb. Rachael Mariatu Sesay Peasima remains steadfast in her commitment to further heighten the status of football in the region. Through strategic planning, sustainable investments, and strong partnerships, she aims to build a vibrant and robust football ecosystem that will produce top-tier athletes and contribute to the overall growth and well-being of the local community. Hon. Pessima's exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication are driving positive change and progress in the northwest region's football landscape as she gradually transcends the dreams of football evolution to actions. By creating an enabling environment that fosters talent, enhances infrastructure, and promotes collaboration, she sets the stage for a bright and promising future for football in the region. 

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