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By LRMG PR & Media Unit

 It was a joyous moment, a moment of laughter, a moment that disabled and vulnerable women always wish for. The Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG) was out on the streets of Freetown to celebrate with them.

The momentous occasion witnessed the staff of LRMG dancing and singing with disabled women, sharing rice and cooking condiments. The donation of food items and entertainment was part of an effort to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024, which is celebrated globally with the theme’ Invest in Women and Accelerate Progress’.

At the PWD Junction, which houses disabled women, they were thankful and very joyous while receiving LRMG and food items.

Chairlady of the disabled Women at PWD Junction, Pademba Road, Esther Kallon, thanked LRMG for always coming to their aid during difficulties.

'‘We are grateful for this donation as you have shown to us that we are important despite our condition. We are all one before God. Thank you again for this gift on this day," she said.

Madam Kallon called on LRMG to visit them not only on International Women’s Day but also on other days, which are also important.

Kadiatu Sillah, chairlady for the Street Disabled Women at the Cotton Tree, central Freetown, also expressed thanks and appreciation for the donation.

"You are the very first company to visit us on this International Women’s Day, and we appreciate you for that.

Last year, you were also here to donate cooking condiments to us, and it helps our various families. You are the first to come to our aid on this International Women’s Day. Thank you for always thinking about us, "she said.

Madam Sillah said that women are important in society, adding that a woman gives birth to the President and that without women, there will be no development.

She said that this was a memorable moment and noted that they would continue to pray for LRMG to always succeed in whatever they are doing.

Representative of the PR & Media Unit of the Leone Rock Metal Group, Bashir Koroma, explained the reason for supporting and donating food condiments to less privileged and vulnerable women on the streets of Freetown.

Mr. Koroma said that Leone Rock Metal Group is the biggest mining company in the country, which is why it always identifies with vulnerable groups and people who find themselves in difficult circumstances.

He said that during this International Women’s Day celebration, the company wants to put a smile on the faces of women in difficulty, especially disabled and less privileged women.

"Today, we have come to share with you and to make you feel like you belong. We are celebrating this day with you because you are very important, and we know you need help. We are not only in the country to make a profit, but when we make a profit, we want to share some of these profits with you,'’ he said.

He said that last year, the company was in the midst of disabled women to celebrate with them, which is also the reason for this year’s donations.

"This donation is to motivate you and to say to you that we recognize the work women are doing, and most especially disabled women. This is also to show that we care for you, as you people are always in our thoughts," Mr. Koroma stated.

He noted that LRMG will continually recognize and support women.

The donation of rice and cooking condiments to less privileged women on the streets of Freetown attracted dozens of less privileged women across the city.

The donations were climaxed by performances from LRMG's in-house musician and entertainer, Morris. Food was distributed to women around PWD, Cotton Tree, and Kissy Road.

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