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NRA TARGETS 14.972 BILLION FOR THE YEAR 2024-Commissioner General

By Morlai Sesay

In an encouraging news conference held on Tuesday, 20th February 2024, the  Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Jeneba Kpaka Bangura, updated the public that NRA is targeting 14.972 Billion Leones for 2024. He assured that they are determined to break the 10.1 Billion Leones record for the year 2023, which she said was marred with enormous challenges.

Bangura emphasized that the Commission had assiduously started working towards achieving their proposed target for the year 2024 by ensuring that the rental tax, which is one of the most neglected aspects of revenue collection, would be seriously looked into and implemented subsequently.

Touching on the aspect of the ongoing reforms which are bound to make sure that the taxpayers realize what they deserve to get, she noted that the government would be able to finance the Feed Salone project, the Free Quality Education, ensure that there is sustainable electricity, healthcare facilities and many more, depending on effective compliance from the citizens of Sierra Leone.

She intimated that the digital revolution, which had swept the world in the last two decades, leaving societies cashless but moneyed, is breezing across the west coast of Africa.  She added that the NRA, which is the body saddled with the responsibility of collecting revenue, streamlining, and mainstreaming revenue mobilization,  had begun taking tangible steps to enhance its operational structures and processes.

According to Bangura, three fundamental reforms would play an instrumental role in ensuring they achieve their target for 2024.

 The ASYCUDA World, the Electronic Cash Register (ECR), and the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) have been introduced, with some already on a test run, whilst other components say the commission will commence soonest as contracts have been awarded for their operations. The ASYCUDA World, she said, is a web-based program that allows businessmen to start their transaction documents with the NRA from any part of the world and at any time. She further states that it eases the burden on particularly importers who buy goods from different parts of the world, paving the way for them to check the customs duties for their goods and initiate engagement with the NRA as long as there is connectivity.

Bangura disclosed that ASYCUDA World is being implemented to minimize the cost of doing business both on the part of the businessmen and customs officials. It also significantly reduces the clearance time of goods on the part of the trader, thereby enhancing the business climate. It is more convenient for importers since they can start processing their importation processes from any part of the world if they have an internet connection and other equipment to upload, attach, and submit commercial documents electronically.

Another system already launched is the Electronic Cash Register or ECR. The ECR, she said,  is an electronic cash ledger that contains cash payments made to business entities by a taxpayer, including GST payments. The ECR, she noted, has helped create a platform for NRA to monitor tiny business houses’ transactions to track their tax liabilities and predict turnover. According to the Commissioner General, it contains both software and hardware components that would be inextricably linked to the NRA system. She stated it had enhanced NRA’s capacity to monitor business transactions and to determine exactly what percentage of tax, like GST, business entities should pay to the government in real-time. "The overall intent is to eliminate underpayment and for prediction of the government’s expected income from such taxes. Every transaction in these business places have since the introduction of ECR been electronically captured by the device and the information stored in the hardware which the NRA or its service contractor controls", Bangura disclosed.

According to Bangura, another aspect of the reform process within the NRA would also witness the introduction of the Integrated Tax Administration System or ITAS. The ITAS, she noted, would integrate the various stand-alone legacy systems into a fully automated solution for administering domestic taxes. The Commissioner General noted that it enables taxpayers to do online registration, filing, payment, and status whilst also providing real-time accounts monitoring. She explained that "The ITAS bolsters fairness and transparency in the tax collection system and at the same time curbs human-to-human contact, which often leaves room for fraud."  The ITAS contract, which was awarded to two foreign-based companies, Techno Brain Global and Crown Agent, and a local ISP, Tiwai Memory Masters, has also improved the process of revenue generation by the Commission.

To ensure the full grasp of the reform process by NRA, the commission disclosed that she and other officials embarked on experience-sharing and learning visits to other parts of the world where these systems have taken root and created the desired impact.

With the steps that have been taken to set up the aforementioned reforms that would easily facilitate revenue generation, the NRA, she assured, is destined to hit its expected target this year, and the government will be in a better position to finance the big five game changers, all things being everyday.

In another development, the Director General of the National Civil Registration Authority, Mohamed Massaquoi, highlighted the process of obtaining the National ID cards,  stating that citizens must register at any ID Card issuing center, pay the required fee, and wait for 2 to 3 business days for the ID card to be ready.

He emphasized that the Government views the initiative as essential for State security and the efficient management of citizens’ identification within the country and stressed the easy accessibility of acquiring the national ID card. He clarified that possessing the ID card is now mandatory, with even non-residents required to obtain a non-resident ID card.

The Director General also highlighted how the ECOWAS ID Card is an important travel document that provides unique identification features and facilitates crossing borders within the ECOWAS region, urging people to acquire it.

According to Massaquoi, the Government aims to streamline processes and enhance security measures by implementing an efficient system for issuing ID Cards.

Commenting on the aspect of compliance with this mandate, he emphasized that citizens must access essential services and exercise their rights effectively and at the same time  affirmed by highlighting the Government’s collaboration with the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) and contractors in implementing the new national ID card system as well as reiterating the importance of obtaining and carrying the ID Card, focusing on the benefits it brings to individuals.

Linking the Biometric ID Cards  (National, Non-National, and ECOWAS) with the National Identification Number (NIN) for accessing essential services, including financial transactions, vehicle registration, and public and private institution recruitment, he said, is a crucial reason why obtaining one is significant. He noted that it is a cabinet directive ratified by Parliament effective April 1, 2024, emphasizing the significance of reliable identification for national security and consistency in personal information.

The Director General urged the public to initiate the ID card acquisition process immediately at designated nationwide registration centers. He said these include six specific offices and mobile units deployed to remote areas to facilitate widespread access to identification services.

He noted that online registration options are available for those unable to visit physical centers. Additionally, specialized corporate services are provided for organizations and institutions.

As the deadline, which is March 31st, nears, obtaining Biometric ID Cards ensures compliance with legal mandates and contributes to a more connected, transparent, and prosperous Sierra Leone. Act promptly to avoid inconvenience", Massaquoi averred.

"With the impending deadline for obtaining the ID Cards by March 31st, 2024, citizens and non-citizens are urged to obtain them swiftly. This call comes as enforcement authorities emphasize the urgency of meeting the deadline to avoid last-minute rushes", he concluded.

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