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By Mohamed M. Sesay

The Executive Committee of the Northwest Region Football Association, on Friday, the 12th of January 2024, appointed  Hon. Rachel Racheal Sesay  Pessima as the Ambassador for Female Football in the Northwest Region.

The Chairman of the North-West Region Football Association, Abdul O. Turay, intimated that the momentous appointment of Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima was a testament to her immense dedication and passion for sports, particularly women's football.

Throughout her career, the Regional Chairman confessed that Hon. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima had consistently displayed strong equality and empowerment of women through sports. He added that Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima had made tireless and exceptional contributions that had significantly impacted the development of both male and female football in the region and had served as an inspiration for aspiring footballers.

With her new role as Ambassador,  the Regional Chairman intimated that Hon. Amb.  Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima would undoubtedly continue to enhance the visibility and growth of women's football, paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future in football. 

‘’I bring you greetings from the Northwest Region Football Association Executive Committee and to bestow you the appointment as NORTHWEST REGION FOOTBALL AMBASSADOR. Your tremendous continued support of football has added value to football, especially the recently funded Inter Chiefdom Le 50,000 gala organized by the Port Loko District Football Association. it has also helped to consolidate unity in the district, and we greatly appreciate such intervention,’’ he said.

He also furthered that the Executive Committee had dedicated this year’s Region Female League in honor of her to showcase their appreciation for her laudable effort to promote football in the region. He added that Twelve (12) female teams had consented to play while their expectation was Eighteen (18) to participate in the Ambassador Racheal Pessima Female Competition organized by the Northwest Region Football Association. He said  Matches would be played at Karene, Port Loko, and Kambia Districts, with 14 playing venues across the Region.

‘As we anticipate your support, we pray for Allah to provide you with more opportunities in life’’, he concluded.

In her statement of appreciation, the newly appointed Ambassador of the Northwest Female Football expressed tremendous elation for the recognition and appointment.  She said she never saw this coming as she supported football in the District to engage the youth. Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima also intimated this Medium that her just concluded  Fifty Thousand Inter-Chiefdom Unity Trophy was to promote peace and unity in the District and also to engage the youth of Port Loko District productively. She appreciated the North-West Region Football Association Executive for their thoughtful consideration. She assured the Northwest Region Football Executive that she would fully support football in Port Loko District and the region.

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