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By Morlai Sesay

Sierra Leone’s newly appointed Ombudsman, Lawyer Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah, officially assumed office by subscribing to the oath before President Julius Maada Bio at the State House.

During the ceremony, Lawyer Jah expressed his commitment to discharge the duties of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone faithfully and diligently. He pledged to support, uphold, and maintain the Constitution of Sierra Leone as established. Acknowledging the significant responsibility bestowed upon him, he thanked President Bio for the appointment, recognizing the honor of being selected by many deserving Sierra Leoneans.

“As we are all aware, the office of the Ombudsman carries immense responsibilities, including the investigation of complaints from aggrieved individuals within Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, as well as receiving complaints from other sources,” stated Mr. Jah.

President Julius Maada Bio congratulated Mr. Jah, emphasizing the challenging tasks in his role as Ombudsman. He expressed confidence in Mr. Jah’s ability to perform his duties diligently and assured him of unwavering support whenever needed.

Mr. Jah succeeds Leon Jenkins Johnston, who was appointed by President Bio during his first term and approved by Parliament. The Ombudsman holds office for four years and is eligible for reappointment for one additional term. Resignation may occur through written notice to the President, and removal can only transpire for an inability to perform duties due to infirmity or misconduct, as stipulated by the established regulations.

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