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By Mohamed M. Sesay

In a Press Conference held yesterday, the 6th of February 2024, at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE), the Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Dr. Haja Ramatulai Wurie, disclosed to journalists that planning is at an advanced staged for the ministry to host the maiden Investment Conference that geared towards soliciting adequate fund for the sustainable implementation of the Student Loan Scheme.  

The Minister commended President Bio for placing a premium on education, which had aided pupils and students to have unhindered access to education. She said President Bio cherishes education, so they instituted the Student Loan Scheme, which the House of Parliament validated. He elucidated further that the Loan scheme is a process to provide financial support to University Students in the form of Loans, which would be repaid when the students have finished their courses. She, therefore, appealed to all students who have gained funding from the Loan Scheme to try to pay their loans so that other potential students would benefit from the scheme.

"We don't have to start big, and we fail to deliver. Therefore, we want to start small so the process will expand and be permanent."

 She commended the CEO and Team of the Students Loan Scheme for a successful piloting. She assured the Ministry had concluded the pilot stage and intended to roll out the scheme for the second round.

Making some tangible and timely clarification on the tug of war within the University of Sierra Leone, Minister Wurie affirmed that, indeed, there was a vacuum in terms of the Vice Chancellor’s position at the University, which the ministry wanted to eliminate that vacuum. She continued that the Ministry’s main aim was to ensure that the University does not lack in the University Calendar. The Minister affirmed that she had been part of the University Court, which means she is well-grounded regarding the proceedings of the constitution of the University Court. She said the University Court never appointed a Pro Vice-Chancellor and that the Vice Chancellor and Principal position became vacant in October 2023.

As part of its mandates, she added that the Teaching Service Commission (TES) advised the government to dissolve the University Court, among other recommendations that the Ministry acted upon. With all the Topsy-turvy, the Minister said they received a letter from Prof. Kamara that he would stay aloof for now until the issues at the University are addressed. The Minister also said the contract of the Registrar had long expired and that the Ministry had the right to enforce the aspect of the Registrar to exit since the tenure of the Registrar had expired. 

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