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By Mohamed M. Sesay

On Tuesday, the 7th of May 2024, Members of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone graciously expressed felicitation to the Speaker, Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas, and the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, for their resounding elections as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Sixth Parliament of Sierra Leone Parliament.

Hon. Alpha Jalloh, Members of the All People’s Congress Party, prayed that Allah/God would continue to bless the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Sixth Parliament. He described the new Parliament leadership as young folks with the charisma to handle the Sixth Parliament. He called on the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker to independently supervise the ratification and enactment of good laws and agreements.

Hon. Mohamed Fofanah of the Sierra Leone People’s Party intimated that the Speaker's and Deputy Speaker's victory and success were meritoriously earned in the just-conducted elections. He admonished the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker that the sky is their limit. He prayed that God would continue to provide the wisdom to handle the Sixth Parliament. He said it is indeed a blessing to have the Speaker and Deputy Speaker under the age of 45 years. He reiterated that they, as young Members of Parliament, are very optimistic about better dreams for young Members of Parliament.

Hon. Veronica Kadie Sesay, Member of the Ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party, expressed elation for the successful election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker. She intimated that since the Sixth Parliament is now manned by Young People as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, she expressed optimism that someday, women would be fortunate to have the Speakership position. She, therefore, called on female members of parliament to be committed to their parliamentary work, adding that someday, women would be in the leadership of Parliament. He concluded that they had no iota of doubt in the charismatic dexterity of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone.

Hon. Abdul Karim Sesay, a member of the parliament representing locals of Kambia District, asked whether young people had delivered on the many opportunities that governments had given them. He intimated that young people have failed the nation in previous administrations. He added that the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone is summative with young people. He called on the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker to serve the Sixth Parliament with every fairness. He said the people of Sierra Leone believe in the new leadership of the Parliament, adding that the people of Sierra Leone are keenly awaiting the critical probing of the Audit Report.

Hon. Alpha Barrie congratulated the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker and called on them to uphold the highest magnitude of the principles of the rule of law and promote democracy in the Sixth Parliament and, by extension, Sierra Leone.

The acting leader of the opposition, Hon. Aaron Koroma, said in 2013 that an amendment was made for serving members of parliament, and the newly elected speaker of parliament, Hon.Segepoh Solomon Thomas, is a beneficiary of that amendment.  He added that many Members of Parliament placed too much confidence in the new speaker as someone who is very dedicated to upholding the principles of the rule of law.  He said that because they had the credo that the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker would perform very well, it was the reason they unanimously elected them.  He called on the government to continue working with the opposition members of parliament. He referenced that the just concluded speakership election was a testament that the voice of the opposition Members of Parliament is louder than anything else. He admonished the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker that they were no longer serving their Party, the SLPP, but rather the entire House of Parliament. He concluded by assuring the Speaker and the Speaker that the opposition is fully committed to promoting the agenda of the government.

“ Mr. Speaker, we need to promote democracy. We don’t want to see where this house will bulldoze itself, as it used to happen. On that note, I want to congratulate the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker for their resounding election,” he said.

The Acting Leader of the ruling Party, Hon. Bashiru Silikie, intimated that Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas is the youngest speaker of Sierra Leone and would serve as the Guinea Pig for Sierra Leone. He admonished the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker that if they served well, they would create more opportunities for the young people of Sierra Leone. And if they fail, which means they would fail the dreams and aspirations of the young people of Sierra Leone. He prepared the minds of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker so that everybody would applaud and congratulate them. He also noted that a few years later, the same Members of Parliament would vilify the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker if they did not seek the interests of the Members of Parliament. He expressed hope and optimism that the Speaker and the Deputy would bring perfect decorum to the House of Parliament. He called on the Speaker to make the parliament enviable again.

In his statement, the Acting Speaker, Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, stated that it is their strongest determination that offices would be created for Members of Parliament. He also noted that sanity would be reintroduced in the well of parliament. On behalf of the Speaker, I expressed thanks and appreciation to the Members of Parliament for the confidence they placed in them to serve as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone.

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