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Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Although the circumstances that led to the abrupt dismissal of Ibrahim Brahim Swarray, former Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority still remains under the carpet, President Julius Maada Bio late Monday 4th of December 2023, announced Jeneba Bangura, former Deputy Minister 1 of the Ministry of Finance in replacement of Ibrahim Brima Swarray as the new Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority.

His Excellency President Brig. (Rtd) Dr. Julius Maada Bio has hit an unmatched record regarding the empowerment of women in Sierra Leone and the sub-region at large. President Bio manifested his firm belief in women empowerment by appointing two substantive women into trusted positions i.e Kadiatu Allie, Deputy Minister 1, Ministry of Finance and Mrs. Jeneba J. Bangura, Commissioner- General, National Revenue Authority, leaving Ibrahim Brima Swaray in a hiatus limbo.

It could be recalled that prior to the enactment of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act of 2022, President Bio had appointed women in prominent positions in his first cabinet.

The GEWE Act of 2022 gave assurance of having more than the 30% quota of women in Parliament which had been the hue and cry of women’s led Civil Society Organizations in the country.

The key provisions of this law speak to the principles of inclusion, representation, participation, and a more responsive posture on gender. These include at least 30% representation in Cabinet; at least 30% representation in Parliament; at least 30% of all appointments as Ambassadors/High Commissioners; at least 30% of all positions in Local Councils; at least 30% of all jobs in the Civil Service; at least 30% of all jobs in private institutions with 25 and more employees; maternal leave extended from 12 weeks to 14 weeks; and financial inclusion for women.

President Bio recommended the Proportional Representation (PR) System of election and the GEWE Act which created the platform for the first time in the history of this country to have forty-one (41) elected women in the 6th Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone.

The unprecedented record of President Bio could not be easily wiped away by future predecessors. His introduction of Free Quality Education to women offering sciences in universities has rapidly increased the number of female students enrolled in universities over the last years.

The President continues to receive international acclamation for his New Direction Government’s commitment to promoting education and women’s empowerment in all forms in Sierra Leone. With the addition of two more women in the current dispensation, Sierra Leoneans, especially the women need to applaud the President for fulfilling one of his Manifesto promises that place him above any President of Sierra Leone since time immemorial.

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