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 Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In a grand celebration held in Pujehun Town Barray, the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, in collaboration with Emmisary Sisters, marked this year's International Women's Day under the theme "Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress." The event attracted thousands of women, including school-going pupils, societal heads, traditional authorities, ministry officials, security personnel, and the press.

The Gender Desk Officer of the Ministry of Gender and Children's Affairs in Pujehun, Florence Sandy, described the celebration as a significant step in the right direction. She expressed gratitude to President Dr. Julius Maada Bio for his commitment to empowering women in his government, including implementing a 30% quota for women's representation, which has been effectively upheld in all phases of governance.

International Women's Day is a global rallying point to assess progress, opportunities, and challenges women face in the political, social, economic, and cultural fields. This year's theme aims to highlight women and girls' remarkable roles and contributions in reshaping the economic landscape, she said.

The Mammy Queen of Pujehun District, Madam Mama Kaikai, expressed her joy for women worldwide who celebrated this special day. She acknowledged that, for far too long, women were not given significant positions in governance. However, with the new direction under President Bio's leadership, the 30% quota is being implemented, ensuring women's representation in governance at all levels.

Madam Kaikai, in her address, encouraged women to strive for self-reliance and relevance in society, emphasizing the importance of not depending solely on men for their basic needs.

Madam Carthline Kula Bureh, the District Coordinator of the Pujehun 50/50 Group, described the event as a blessing in disguise for women, as their voices are being heard. She called for unity and solidarity among women, highlighting that their oneness and love would continue to grow stronger.

Madam Jeneba Massaquoi, Founder and President of Emmisary Sisters, a local community-based organization focused on assisting the less privileged and those in dire need, highlighted the organization's positive impact on women and youths facing various challenges. Emmisary Sisters has provided education and training programs in areas such as soap making, gara tie-dying, cake making, and hairdressing, among others, and has even supplied them with starter toolkits. Madam Massaquoi called for increased stakeholders' support to alleviate the district's dropout rate and dependency.

The Executive Director of Defence for Children International, Mannaf Kemokai, delivered the keynote address during the event. He called for a minute of silence to honor the women champions who used to celebrate this important day but are no longer with us. Kemokai emphasized that women are powerful tools for nation-building, stating that behind every successful man, a strong woman must provide support. He urged women to love and support each other, as their collaboration and unity would help them achieve their goals.

The celebration concluded with distributing certificates of completion for basic skills training, followed by merriment and jubilation. The event showcased the progress in empowering women and girls, emphasizing the importance of investing in women to advance society. It served as a reminder of women's significant contributions and the need for continued support and gender equality in all spheres of life.

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