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By Kadijatu Hayles in Lungi

 In collaboration with EDUC-Aid, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education is implementing a groundbreaking "Accountable Inclusive Education" project in Port Loko District. Recognizing the importance of education as a flagship program, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has strongly emphasized improving the education sector in Sierra Leone. This project aims to enhance student learning outcomes, increase school attendance, ensure effective teaching practices, foster a gender-responsive school environment, enhance teacher performance, and establish sustainable school improvement.

Hassan Conteh, an Executive Coach of the Accountable Inclusive Education project from EDUC-Aid, recently spoke to AimNet Newspaper in an interview, shedding light on the project's details. He revealed that 20 schools have been carefully selected to participate in the project’s first phase, which would span three years. The selection process was based on an assessment conducted by the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, which identified underperforming schools within the district as prime candidates for the project.

There have already been significant success stories in the first year of the project and during the second term of the academic year. Teachers have transitioned away from using corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, leading to improved relationships between students and teachers and enhanced learning experiences.

However, Hassan Conteh acknowledged that the project is not without its challenges. Changing from conventional teaching and learning methods to new ones can be difficult. As part of his role, when visiting the selected schools, Hassan monitors the attendance of both teachers and students, observes the teaching and learning processes in classrooms, and engages in discussions with principals to address any concerns or issues.

The project has already conducted two capacity-building workshops for principals to ensure effective school management and inclusive education practices. Further capacity-building programs are planned for teachers, focusing on English language instruction and the sciences.

Mariatu Kargbo, a Lungi International Secondary School student, expressed her appreciation for the project's impact, emphasizing her desire for its continuation. She shared her personal experience, noting that truancy had been a problem. Still, with the project's ongoing monitoring and support, she could remain in class and fully engage with her teachers.

The "Accountable Inclusive Education" project in Port Loko District is a testament to the government's commitment to improving education in Sierra Leone. The project aims to create a conducive learning environment that empowers students and ensures their educational success through targeted interventions, such as teacher training, disciplinary reforms, and enhanced monitoring. With continued dedication and collaboration between the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and EDUC-Aid, the project is expected to bring about long-lasting positive change in the district's education system.

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