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By Hasan Juana Koroma

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the Jendema border crossing between Sierra Leone and Liberia became the focal point of an important diplomatic event as officials from both nations gathered to welcome the Liberian Army Chief of Staff, D.F. Forla. The event was organized by the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) South, Brima Kanneh, alongside the Bridge Commander of the Gondama 5th Brigade and the Immigration Boss of Bo, highlighting a robust partnership between security and immigration authorities.

The reception featured a ceremonial Guard of Honor Parade led by the visiting military officers. The parade not only marked the entrance of the Liberian Army Chief of Staff into Sierra Leone but also underscored the historical and diplomatic significance of the occasion. With its impressive display, it served as a powerful reminder of the enduring ties between the two countries.

Local stakeholders and senior officials were present to extend their greetings, emphasizing a commitment to ongoing cooperation and mutual respect. The Brigade Commander took the opportunity to introduce senior officers, including Chief Superintendent of Police Phillip Albert Kpange, the Local Unit Commander (LUC) of the Mano River Division. This introduction highlighted the collaborative relationship between Sierra Leonean and Liberian security forces.

Cultural performances featuring vibrant traditional dances added a lively atmosphere to the ceremony, symbolizing the shared heritage and unity of the two nations. This aspect of the event was not merely a formality; it reinforced the cultural bonds that connect Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Following the formal proceedings, AIG Brima Kanneh led the convoy to Bo, marking the conclusion of a day filled with diplomatic significance. This event emphasized the strategic importance of cross-border partnerships and the commitment to ensuring regional security and stability.

The gathering at Jendema showcased the respect and solidarity between Sierra Leone and Liberia and strengthened the foundations for future collaboration in addressing mutual security concerns. As both nations continue to work together, the ties that bind them are set to deepen, paving the way for enhanced cooperation in various sectors.


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