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-Deputy Minister 1

   By Morlai Sesay

On the 11th  December 2023, a statement from the Deputy Minister of Health 1, Prof. Chaiter Senessie, disclosed that His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio would officially launch the National Public Health Agency (NPHA) Sierra Leone. This according to him would no doubt be a very significant landmark in our nation’s efforts since it aims at improving the development and management of public health interventions across the country.

He added that  NPHA would serve as a symbol of hope in addressing public health issues and provide leadership and expertise in strategic areas throughout the country. He said NPHA would also be responsible for coordinating public health activities across the nation, ensuring that the preparedness for effective response to any public health threat that may arise is placed under urgent control.

 Guided by five overarching goals, the NPHA he noted, would  Establish a robust public health surveillance system that provides timely and actionable data for informed interventions; and create an effective public health reference laboratory network that supports surveillance efforts. He added that it also can expand to meet the evolving population of health needs, and build a resilient health system by the identification and training of public healthcare professionals who would be capable of effectively preparing for responding to and managing public health emergencies.

He disclosed that it would also foster a strong and coordinated public health research capacity that informs policy and public health programs Promotes equity in health, reduces risks, advocates for healthy lifestyles and settings, and at the same time,  addresses the underlying determinants of health.

He continued that NPHA came as a strategic intervention by the government of Sierra Leone. He said its activities would contribute immensely to improving public health intervention and outcomes. He noted that the establishment of the NPHA signifies the government’s strong commitment to strengthening public health infrastructure and safeguarding the well-being of Sierra Leoneans.

It is also the culmination of the tireless efforts of dedicated individuals within the Ministry of Health, development partners, and countless others who have provided their expertise and guidance throughout the process. Senessie implored the permission of all present to state that the NPHA has developed a comprehensive three-year (2023-2026) strategic plan which will be rolled out in yearly phases. With that, he disclosed that each calendar year will focus on its strategic goals. "Some of the strategic goals outlined in the strategic plan include the following:

Management and operations, public health surveillance, public health laboratories and networks, emergency preparedness and response, public health research, health promotion and risk communication, IPC and WASH, and port Health. Additionally, the government of Sierra Leone is committed to the following as well: Continuous political support and leadership, dedicated temporal and eventually permanent office space, dedicated budget line, and International linkages," he averred.

As an agency, he concluded that they recognize the role played by the media to promote good governance and accountability. "We will always work with the press because in every step of the way, you will be very pivotal in promulgating the activities of the agency. We encourage you to always have constructive engagements with us as we consider you as responsible partners in our development drive," he said.

 The event was graced by representatives from the World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), the United states Centre for Disease Control (CDC), China Centre for Disease Control (CDC), USAID, and FCDO.

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