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Following a massive transfer of sitting magistrates across the country, since the start of this year, Pujehun District has been facing a significant judicial crisis as the absence of the newly transferred magistrate Abdul Carew from the Kenema magistrate court was assigned to Pujehun as a sitting magistrate has caused a backlog of cases and a delay in the administration of justice. For several weeks now, no magistrate has been presiding over court proceedings, leaving the legal system and the local community uncertain.

Investigations conducted by this press reveal that the assigned magistrate, Abdul Carew, is currently undergoing medical treatment in the United States of America due to a serious illness. While efforts are being made to facilitate his recovery, the absence of a possible replacement has created a void in the district's judicial proceedings.

The Chief Justice has reportedly appointed a roving magistrate to address the issue. However, this magistrate has yet to visit Pujehun District, exacerbating the situation further. The district's proximity to international boundaries and its linkages with other districts make it crucial to resolve this problem promptly.

John Kainawa Squire, the spokesperson for the Sierra Leone Police Media Office in Pujehun, expressed concern over the lack of a sitting magistrate. He stated that the police have been diligently investigating cases and preparing for court proceedings, but the absence of a magistrate hampers the progress of justice. Consequently, over 60 cases are currently in limbo, with individuals being held in custody without their cases being heard.

Ibrahim Bogiwa Swaray, Chairman of the Civil Society in Pujehun District, emphasized the urgent need for government intervention to address the absence of a sitting magistrate. Swaray highlighted this situation’s detrimental impact on various issues that require immediate attention. He acknowledged the efforts of the police in investigating and prosecuting cases but stressed that the presence of a magistrate is indispensable for the effective functioning of the justice system.

The difficulties residents face in Jendema, located in the Sorogbema Chiefdom, are particularly pronounced. Due to the slow pace of case hearings in court, individuals residing in this area find it challenging to attend court sittings, resulting in further delays and an increased burden on the local community.

Considering these concerns, stakeholders within Pujehun District are urging the government to swiftly address the situation by sending a sitting magistrate to the district. The appointment of a competent and qualified magistrate is crucial to alleviating the judicial backlog, ensuring the timely dispensation of justice, and restoring confidence in the legal system among the residents of Pujehun District.

As the district waits for a resolution to this pressing issue, the impact of the absence of a sitting magistrate continues to be felt by both the legal authorities and the local community. Urgent measures are needed to rectify the situation and uphold the fundamental principles of justice in Pujehun District.

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