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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay in Kono.

An outstanding female member of the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party in Koidu City, Kono District, and also a member of the Kono District Women's Network, Martha Fears, has called on the government through the Ministry of Basic Senior School Education to place a premium on the Kono District Education Committee (KDEC) schools both in the city and the district.

In her submission during the just concluded Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) meeting, a World Bank-funded government-introduced initiative through the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education geared towards monitoring and mediating all government-free Free Quality education projects in beneficiary Communities, held at the Koidu City Council Hall,

" Government has not been reorganizing its established schools, which are referred to as District Education Committee (DEC), and some of these schools are in a dilapidated state and have been abandoned by the government, particularly in the villages," he said.

She maintained that most KDEC schools in the interiors lack pin-coded Government Teachers, school structures, and other teaching and learning materials.

She cited that most of the teachers are Community teachers, and they pay attention to the teaching field because they have spent a long time in the Services of the schools. Still, they receive little to cater to their families, so they prefer leaving the schools for better, greener pastures.

" I am calling on our government through the Ministry of Education to pay great attention to the KDEC schools in Kono District, but I know what education means," she said.

Martha Fears further stated that it is heart-rending seeing children in the villages in the KDEC schools sitting under the roofs of dilapidated structures and lacking the basic amenities in the schools.

" I will tell you, in some of the KDEC schools, the pupils share the schools with animals like goats, Sheep, and Cows. Sometimes, while teachings are on, they even enter classes that are not learning-friendly," she pointed out.

She stressed that the lack of teachers at the KDEC schools and school structures are significant challenges the schools face, and the government should address them.

Martha Fears called on the Government to fully aid the Kono District Education Committee schools, especially those in the interior Communities.

The School Quality Assurance Officer, Abdul Salam Tejan-Sie, disclosed that the primary focus of the government of Sierra Leone is to achieve learning outcomes for all children in the country and the country by an extension.

He continued that the government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Education and two local councils, cherishes and focuses on all DEC schools and is a beneficiary of all government-provided education support, such as the free quality education package.

He stated that the national basket of government is overwhelmed with other National demands and cannot simultaneously meet all the challenges at the DEC schools.

He acknowledged the fact that the KDEC schools are facing challenges, and they will find means to address them.

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