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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay in Kono.

In accordance with the Public Procurement Act of 2016, the Koidu New Sembehun City Council has completed a day of bids opening for the maintenance of Feeder Roads and the construction of culverts within the city.

The bid opening process took place at the Koidu New Sembehun City Hall. Core staff from KNSCC, the Deputy Mayor, the NPPA Regional Office, the SLRA District Engineer, the Civil Society, and the media witnessed the process.

 The Acting Deputy Chief Administrator of Koidu New Sembehun City Council, Josiah Kondewa, who chaired the process, highlighted that it involved various stages, including tendering and opening.

The Deputy Mayor of Koidu New Sembehun City Council, Sheku Kamara, admonished the contractors to give their utmost sincerity in implementing the contract if they are successfully awarded it.

The following processes were observed:

 The procurement officer, Mr. Joseph Moriba, publicly opened the bids at a specific time, ensuring transparency and allowing interested parties to witness the process.

The bid documents were checked to ensure they met all specified requirements. He further stated that the bids were submitted within the deadline and contained all necessary information.

The bids were typically read aloud to ensure clarity and accessibility to all who attended. He said this step also helped record the details accurately.

He stated that details were recorded and kept for further processing. He maintained that nine companies’ contractors bided for the six lots.

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