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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay

In a quest to take governance to the people for effective and efficient quality service delivery for sustainability development in Kono District, the Koidu New Sembehun City Council (KNSCC) concluded a two-day intensive review of the Development plans for 2024-2030 with support from US AID through the Institute for Government Reform (IGR) for development and integrated development.

The Review of the Development planning consultation, which was held at the Koidu New Sembehun City Council (KNSCC) hall in Koidu City, was attended by the Deputy Mayor, IME, Councilors, and the administrative wing of KNSCC, Traditional Leaders, Devolved Sectors, CSOs, Traders, religious Leaders, the disabled, and the media.

Giving the overview and the purpose of the planning review process, the Lead Facilitator, who also doubles as the Resident Technical Facilitator of the Decentralization Secretariat In Kono District, Claudius Sesay, revealed that the Review and Development planning committee consultation aimed to review the progress of the development plan and asses development issues in order to make necessary adjustments that would ensure a successful implementation of projects which would run from 2024-2030 development plans for the entire district.

The lead Facilitator and resident technical facilitator for the decentralization Secretariat in Kono District, Claudius Sesay, revealed that the review of the development plans consultation with support from US AID through the Institute for Government Reform (IGR) for development and integrated development plans for Kono District. Adding that, Kono is among the six districts benefiting from the review process among the sixteen districts in the country.

Claudius Sesay pointed out that, on the 9th and 10th of May, 2024, Tankoro and Gbense Chiefdoms held a successful consultative development planning review for 2024-2030.

He disclosed that the significance of the review process cannot be overemphasized. He cited the need for the people's needs to be factored into the plans at the local level and their voices to be heard.

“The review committee members were carefully selected for the process, and I am pleased with the participation of all participants for their maximum seriousness, ensuring that the two days of intensive consultative development for both Tankoro and Gbense, respectively, is achieved for the overall benefit of the general interest of the Kono people, ”Sesay expressed.        

Claudius Sesay said that the Chiefdom planning review consultation is to assess progress by identifying challenges and redefining strategies to ensure that they try to achieve the development target for 2024-2030.

“Together, we can ensure that the development plan remains substantial, approachable, and impactful for the district of Kono,” he noted.

Sesay further explained that development planning is one of the principal responsibilities of championing development at the local level and that planning is critical and very important since it involves proper planning so that the council can achieve its priority needs for the people.

He said that they had set up a committee that comprised 50 people per chiefdom and that the committee would be in operation and continue to be active in its consultation work in all the 14 chiefdoms in the district within two weeks

The Resident Technical Facilitator concluded his speech by admonishing everyone to give their full support to the two councils so that they could achieve their development plans for 2024-2030.

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