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For a while now, the people of Kenema City have bitterly complained about the state in which the First Tricon Construction Company left the major streets, stressing that nothing has been done to solve the deplorable situation in the district since then.

During the campaign period of His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio in 2018, he promised the people of Kenema City that if given the mandate to rule the country, the completion of the incomplete roads in the city would be a thing of the past. The cry of the people of Kenema City became so evident since the city was being neglected by the former administration of Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma’s All People's Congress Party government simply because Kenema is one of the strongholds of the Sierra Leone People's Party.

To keep to the campaign promises President Dr Julius Maada Bio made to the people of Kenema, the construction of roads/streets like the Dama Road, Blama/Hangha roads, and many more in the city were awarded to the First Tricon Construction Company. As always, everything started well, and the people became very happy and proud of their party for keeping its promises. But after some time into the contract, the work started moving at a snail's pace, and the quality of the said work dropped drastically. The people had no option but to ask for a change from the entire company or the contractors because the work was sub-standard. The poor mixture of materials, galloping roads, poor drainage facilities, and more were alarming concerns among residents in the city. Many continued to argue that if such continues, the entire work will not last longer and will eventually result in a waste of the taxpayers' money.

Fortunately, their calls were later heeded, and the contract was given to another company. Since then, however, drainages left open on some of the roads they constructed have still not been covered. These unprotected drainages are located along the city's Central Business Areas and have caused many accidents to many people. Some people have even lost their lives during the course.

Momoh Amara, a commercial motorist, narrated his experience of a pedestrian falling into one of the open drainages while trying to get off the Okada as soon as she got to her destination. "It was indeed raining, and she fell into the dirty water, lost her expensive smartphone, and sustained serious injuries", the rider stated.

Another concerned citizen in the district was a woman who sells fruit. She reported to this medium that the open drainage had caused her to experience great losses in the past. She explained that there was a time when she had to slip accidentally, and all her goods were scattered in the drainage. That ugly incident, she said, made her and her entire family starve for a whole week since she is the one fending for the family.  Many other inhabitants explained different ways in which they have fallen victim to circumstances due to the unprotected nature of the drainage.

With all these explained, people are now of the opinion that these drainages are never going to be closed, suggesting that either the contractors are more powerful than their employees or the employees have not fully done what is necessary for the company to complete the much-desired project in the city.

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