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 Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

 Government Secondary School Jimmi for Boys, established in 1923 as a feeder school to the renowned Bo School, has suffered neglect and lack of rehabilitation since it was damaged during the eleven years of the rebel war in the country.

Despite numerous complaints and requests from individuals in positions of trust, successive governments have failed to prioritize the school and restore it to sound financial footing.

In a sad conversation with Principal Mohamed M. Sarmu Jr at his administrative office in Jimmi Town, it became clear that the school has been largely overlooked compared to other government-owned schools in the country. Principal Sarmu expressed his disappointment at the lack of attention and support the school has received despite assurances from prominent figures.

Principal Sarmu reminded President Dr. Julius Maada Bio of the promise he made during his last visit to the school. The promise entailed providing the school with over 500 mattresses and more than 800 bags of rice. However, the promise remains unfulfilled, leaving the school and its students eagerly awaiting.

Mohamed Sarmu Jr further highlighted the dire conditions at Jimmi Boys Secondary School. He pointed out that the school lacks basic amenities that qualify it as a properly functioning government-owned institution. These include insufficient bedding and mattresses, inadequate infrastructure to accommodate pupils and teachers, 70% of teachers not receiving their basic salaries, lack of sporting equipment, absence of electricity supply, and a water supply challenge.

In light of these challenges, Principal Sarmu appealed to the school's alumni, commonly called the old boys, to continue their support and attention to the school. He emphasized that the school holds a special place in their hearts as their alma mater, and they have a crucial role in ensuring its progress and benefit for all.

The neglect of Jimmi Boys Secondary School raises concerns about the government's commitment to providing quality education and adequate resources for its pupils. The school's lack of rehabilitation and support not only hampers the pupils' academic growth but also deprives them of a conducive learning environment necessary for their overall development.

It is hoped that this news item will draw attention to Jimmi Boys Secondary School's dire situation and prompt the government to take immediate action to address the pressing issues.

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