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By Morlai Sesay

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Up-Gun Roundabout on January 5th, the AIMNet newspaper caught up with vendors who were actively engaged with customers to strategically promote the sale of their jelly coconuts.

Passers-by, arriving in taxis, tricycles (Keke), and motorcycles from various routes across town, were enticed with zest to purchase these tropical delights.

Chernor, one of the handful of jelly sellers, disclosed to this medium that the price of coconut jelly has recently increased and is now standing at Le10, up from Le5.

Explaining the rationale behind the price adjustment, Chernor revealed that he procured the jellies from Lunsar in Northern Sierra Leone at Le100 per bag, each being transported from a village at an additional cost of Le20.

For every coconut sold, Chernor pockets a profit of Le1, leaving Le9 to cover the cost of replenishing his stock from Lunsar, including transport expenses.

Chernor emphasized, “The profit depends on the quantity of jelly bags purchased. Transporting these bags from the provinces to Freetown can amount to nearly Le2 to Le3 thousand.”

Another seller, encountered at Ferry Junction on Bai Bureh Road East of Freetown, echoed the prevailing market rate of Le10 for the coconut he sells. He navigated through the crowd with his wheelbarrow filled with jelly coconuts, offering them to passers-by.

Facing occasional customer complaints about the price increase, he shared the challenges they encounter when acquiring jelly coconuts from suburban tappers and transporting them to the city. He explained that These constraints contribute to the upward price adjustment, prompting understanding from some customers.

As the cost dynamics of jelly coconut sales evolve, sellers like Chernor and his counterparts remain at the frontline, navigating the delicate balance between profit margins and customer satisfaction.

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