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The Paramount Chief of Jawie Chiefdom Kailahun District, P. C. Ngombu Klah Kallon ll, is a notorious land grabber. The Paramount's nefarious and unlawful attitude has made him very unpopular among his subjects. On Monday, September 9th, 2024, one Muniru Kallon, a prominent personality of Jawie Chiefdom, challenged the Paramount Chief for this unwarranted and unprecedented authority at the residence of the Local Unit Commander of Daru.

A report from our Community Journalist revealed that Muniru Kallon intervened in the incessant land grabbing of the Paramount Chief Kallon. According to eyewitnesses, the Paramount Chief claimed the land of one Brima Momoh along the Kailahun/Pendembu Highway on the outskirts of Daru. It sold it to a certain personality for NLe30,000 to construct a computer school. Muniru Kallon has strongly intervened in the grabbing and selling Brima Momoh's land.

The landowner, Brima Momoh, has produced all necessary documents to support his claims, but the unlawful land grabber, P.C. Kallon, has stood firm to forcefully seize the property. Brima Momoh has constructed a house on the land over the years.

This current situation in Daru is that Muniru Kallon's intervention has awakened locals, thus warranting the police to put the construction work of the Computer school on the disputed land on hold. Also, the Paramount Chief has called on his subordinate Chiefs and complained to them that Muniru Kallon assaulted him. Contrarily, eyewitnesses revealed that Muniru Kallon was seriously hit by one of the Chief's sons in the presence of the LUC.  Locals and subjects of the Chiefs in Daru have justified his perpetual land grabbing to our reporter.

The Samba Family of Late Hon. P.C. Alfred Bockarie Samba (OMBE) brought him to the High Court in Freetown for illegally leasing their land to Celtel Mobile Company. The Samba Family won the case, and the Chief was ordered to refund Forty-eight million Leone. The Paramount Chief later plotted with a certain foreigner to grab the Samba Family land; the matter is in court. The land of the late Maigore Kallon also grabbed him, and that of his Chiefdom Speaker has been leased by him illegally and forcefully.

This P. C. Kallon has been using a Canadian Foreigner to grab houses and land. A retired soldier, Rambo, and a prominent Haja are their victims. The Paramount Chief also attempted to grab the land of two different military personnel but was heavily confronted.

Civil society activists have challenged him several times in a land-grabbing saga. In one situation, the P.C. denied his signatories on a land plan just to pursue his course to grab land belonging to one Teacher Foday. Our reporter has intimated that locals in that chiefdom are not happy with the chief's conduct and are requesting Government intervention.

Responding to allegations against him, PC Ngombukla Kallon II of Jawie Chiefdom Kailahun District, through a phone call, acknowledged being aware of the Said land issue. The custodian of tradition refers to the young man (Muniru Kallon) as his nephew.

"I'm in Kailahun Town attending a very important meeting, and I don't have much to say about this.  The land belongs to me. I bought it some years ago and reserved it for my future development. Fortunately, as it is happening in major towns in the country, some people came to me and requested a piece of land because they planned to construct an ICT/Computer Training School, which will be the first of its kind in this part of the country.

My nephew once attacked me and started saying that the land belonged to someone else. I insisted on being the owner, and I have even decided to offer it to the Chiefdom for the construction of an ICT center, which is very important for our people. He insisted that the land belonged to one of his uncles and that he was ready to go to any lengths to reclaim the land.

The boy became more arrogant when I informed him that I gave the people the land willingly and at no cost. He publicly told the people of Jawie Chiefdom to prepare to welcome a new paramount Chief. In the presence of the Local Unit Commander, he threatened to kill me if I proceeded with the transaction. To ascertain his claims, he brought some forged documents that were written and criminally signed in my name, which I vehemently denied knowledge of. I have decided with my council of chiefs to meet and map out ways to control the situation before it gets out of hand immediately, I reach Daru after this meeting. Because incidents of such nature can serve as a hurdle to attract development", PC Ngombukla Kallon II lamented.

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