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BY: Abdul Martins Foday Amara in Kenema

Dama Chiefdom, the first Chiefdom of the Moawoma Community in Kenema District Eastern Region, will be boosted by constructing a 96-bed ultra-modern hospital to ease the Borden of accessing the Kenema Government Hospital for better healthcare services.

This will be a great development for the people of the Maowoma Community because it has been forgotten or lacked a lot of services and facilities over the past years.

According to the country director for the Dassama  Foundation, Vandi Sheku Akash Kallon, the foundation realized that there had been serious challenges in the healthcare services for the five chiefdoms in Moawoma. He added that Moawoma needs rapid improvement in terms of healthcare delivery.  He added that the community had been deprived of many facilities for a long time because the government did not have the resources to respond to every concern within the country adequately.

He continued that sons and daughters of the chiefdom had decided to come together to remedy the problem of healthcare challenges by building a first-class hospital to serve their people and to minimize their suffering.

“The whole project is expected to be completed within two years if all goes smoothly. When completed, it will be a 96-bed hospital, accommodating four beds per ward. We are doing this to alleviate health-related deaths and complement the central government’s efforts. The Foundation and engineers have chosen Go-for town to anchor the facility to serve some part of Nongowa Chiefdom and the entire country when the need arises".

"We are calling on the authorities and the entire people of every community within Moawoma Section to embrace this project and own it to succeed. And after the completion, this part of the country will be very important to live and thus attract development agendas", Kallon confirmed.

He concluded that the project’s total cost is Le 4.8 billion (old Leones) in estimations according to the contractors and is hoped to be achieved within the time frame.

Madam Baindu Dassama stated that the project originated from a non-governmental organization in the United States of America known as the "The Norms of Profit" and launched in Sierra Leone. There are also plans to extend to other parts of the universe. She clarified that there is Help the Less Privileged across the globe.

She furthered that the project originated from unfortunate agony she witnessed sometimes in the past that made her heart worry for a very long time. "My heart bled for over a year when I once witnessed an awful situation where two pregnant women lost their lives in my presence, one as a result of no transportation and the other as a result of financial constraints."

"I then decided to put a stop to the unfortunate situation. Because I knew from that day that what I saw was just one of the health problems affecting the people of my land. I then built a befitting hospital where my people would feel comfortable accessing standard health care services. I've collaborated with the Dassama Foundation to support me in actualizing this dream so that our people will be free from the problem of poor health service delivery ".

"With this strong backup from the Foundation, we have been able to get support from organizations like Royal Entertainment, Jay Martha Water Company, Elion Angelic Care, and Staffing that have decided to support us in making this a reality. And the actual cost of this entire work is almost $200,000 according to the whole architectural design. I want the people to know that this is a foundation that cares for the less privileged. And to keep it going, we need your total support in diverse ways so that we can continue to seek more opportunities to bring sustainable development to the people of this country", she urged.

Madam Dassama reiterated that the Foundation is very open to accountability, letting the world know about their daily activities, which will be a guarantor for future donors.

Paramount chiefs and other local authorities, the District Medical Officer, and other prominent stakeholders of Kenema District made similar supporting statements and prayed for the successful completion of the project.

The pouring of libations and turning of the sod for the commencement of the work, followed by entertainment from various cultural groups, climaxed the occasion.

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