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By Dauda Buanie Sheriff (The Gbatima)

Many people, including you but not my moral guarantor(s), have disagreed to agree that a hopeless man is like a dead man. The reason I said your moral guarantor(s), not mine is because I don't guarantee anyone anymore for my morality. Let me be the guarantor of my morality. Gbatima has agreed that his Hope is in a Cloud, so it is reasonably justifiable to say he's a living dead because he's hopeless in his country.

Normatively, hope rekindles as the year resolves but here in Sierra Leone, the more you get older, the more your hope deteriorates. Mine has even gone into the dungeon, hence has embraced the living dead while I await the actual mythological God's time to see with my father and younger brother.

...and they will be tempted to ask, DSB, why are you hopeless? I will waste no time responding to such questions. I've embraced hopelessness during my half-platinum year because I'm not mediocre but my country prefers MEDIOCRITY to MERITOCRACY and COMPETENCY. I've decided to be unhopeful because throughout my first three decades on Earth, I've always relied on hard work, Integrity, Love, and Loyalty as my Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) but I've realized that my USPs are satanic in my country.

Sometimes, during my pensive mood, thinking above my normal thinking capacity, I will wear a broad smile because there is optimism in my pessimism. The reason is, at my age, I have more than a Hundred friends and acquaintances who have at least an undergraduate degree. In a winky way, that optimistic mood changed when I remembered that Sierra Leone prefers "laybelleism" to excellence. Again, I'm Hopeless because these friends and acquaintances are not givers like the ones who are supposed to give as they please. They were given, so I can't be too hopeful for them to give me.

I've preferred hopelessness to trust that something will happen because I was unfortunately lucky to be born in a country where they will put systems in place to empower yourself, but architects of those (same) systems will prefer to empower those who are not alumni of their well-orchestrated systems. It's funnily interesting that Sierra Leone doesn't believe in Sierra Leone's systems.

Please don't tell me God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I'm tired of hearing that glittering mediocrity and bombastic banality instilled in our minds for a very long time by our then-moral guarantors. (Then) because I'm now keeping my own morals. The only thing I wouldn't do in my living dead life is to kill myself for real, for real. I wouldn't because it's a practice of satanism. I'm a practicing Muslim; I have the faith of a Muslim mind of a Christian. It's not God that will give me a job. It's those we've agreed with. Interestingly, sardonically, the agreement is in the "hands of my own system."

'God is good...' I know you wouldn't say again all the time because if God is really good all the time as we claim, why should we have some people worth Billions of (US) Dollars while we're broke like newborns? 

They will say, "Hence, there is life and hope." "Go dae play yaa." I'm still with the firm belief that it's BETTER to DIE for a CAUSE than to LIVE a DISAPPOINTING LIFE. 

I'm a living dead because I'm not an empowered young person, and the persons charged to take care of us young people prefer empowering empowered young persons.

Dear friends and motivational speakers, I'm tired of your compliments that I'm clever, I'm a creative writer, and a potential. I now see these compliments to be provocative. These qualities are blasphemous in our Sierra Leone. How can I have all these qualities and a Summa Cum Laud Degree of almost four standing, Certificate of National Service of the National Youth Service (NYS), and many other job experience with positive recommendations from almost all I have worked with but still be unemployed if they are not sinful? But again, my sin has been a good and bold young man who has the grit to speak his mind with no malice. In all of these, don't kill yourself. Gbatima re-emphasized compliments of the Season.

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