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 Authored by Mohamed Emmanuel Precious Koroma

In a strategic move aimed at alleviating fuel scarcity and mitigating the prevalence of black-market trading, Honorable Dickson Momoh Rogers, the dedicated representative of Pujehun District in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament, has embarked on the construction of two new fueling stations. These stations are set to be established in Fonima village, Galliness Chiefdom, and Pujehun Town within the Pujehun District of Sierra Leone.

The decision to initiate the construction of these fueling stations comes as a response to the persistent challenges residents, particularly vehicle drivers, face in accessing fuel within the district. For too long, the district's headquarters had solely relied on one fueling station, causing a recurring fuel shortage and triggering frantic rushes whenever the station restocked. This scarcity, exacerbated by the prevalence of black-market activities, made it exceedingly difficult for drivers to secure fuel for their vehicles.

Honorable Dickson Rogers recognized the urgent need to address this enduring issue, which significantly impeded the smooth functioning of transportation and daily activities within the district. By establishing two new fueling stations, the aim is to alleviate the strain on the existing station and provide alternative access points for residents and vehicle owners to procure fuel conveniently.

The construction of these stations is anticipated to end the persistent fuel shortages and curtail the rampant black-market activities that have plagued the district for an extended period. This initiative represents a proactive step towards ensuring a steady and reliable fuel supply, thereby fostering smoother transportation operations and enhancing the overall socioeconomic landscape of Pujehun District.

Honorable Dickson Momoh Rogers' endeavor underscores his commitment to addressing critical challenges faced by his people. The provision of these fueling stations is poised to bring about a positive transformation in access to fuel and contribute significantly to the district's development and ease of mobility for its residents.

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