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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay

As his contributions to boost soccer discipline in the district, the Leader of Government Business 2, who also doubles as Chairman of the Mines and Minerals Committee in the Well of Parliament, Honourable Emerson Lamina, has consented to pay Nle 15,000 thousand new leones for the winner and runner up star prizes for the ongoing football competition at chiefdom level in Kono District.

Speaking to this medium, the Chairman of Kono District Football Association (KDFA), Abu Bakar Mansaray, lavished praises on the Honorable, stating that the compassionate Member of Parliament is a state man and that he had been carefully observing how the Chiefdom Football competition is going on in the district. He disclosed that Hon. Emerson Lamin must have deemed it necessary to support KDFA with the sum of 15,000,00 as personal support to boost the Football discipline in the district.

Highlighting some of the significance of football in the district, Chairman Abu Bakar Mansaray made it explicit that the current Chiefdom Football competition has united the 14 Chiefdoms and key authorities in the district under one umbrella. The Football competition at the chiefdom level, he said, has also been able to spot young, talented players that would hopefully represent other big football clubs from the district, national, and international levels. Mansaray added that the competition has further created a peaceful atmosphere and a very conducive environment in all aspects of life.

"Honourable Emerson Lamina, as we all know, is also a sports man, which is why he has always been supportive of the KDFA since we took Office. We feel so pleased and appreciative for such a huge amount he has donated for the love of the game of football. We had no sponsorship for this year's football competition until now, but the people’s honorable has decided to come to our rescue. The competition is being run on a pro bono basis. However, I was optimistic that by the end of the competition, we will surely have support like this because we have been effective in reaching out to stakeholders for their support both in and out of the district. The winner of the competition is sure to take home with the sum of 10,000. He assured the 10,000 while the NLe 5,000 will be for the runner-up".

He ended by expressing his thanks and appreciation to Honourable Emerson Lamina for such a generous step taken to aid the KDFA and all the lovely football fans in the district.




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