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By: Abdul Martins Foday Amara in Kenema

Honourable Alie Bayoh, a Member of Parliament representing Tunkia and Nomo chiefdoms in the Kenema District, was at Jawahun Village, Swarrayla Section in Tunkia Chiefdom, in a quest to provide aid support and to sympathize with the fire victims in the village.

In his solidarity statement during the engagement with the victims and cross-section of the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) executives representing the locality Tunkia chiefdom, he expressed sorrow to the victims for their loss. Adding on the initial strides he made after receiving the shocking news, "I made a quick move by engaging the appropriate quarters, which includes the National Disaster Management Authority and Government and Humanitarian Organizations for their interventions," he said.

He also added that even though their interventions would take some time, they should be assured that the government strongly has their interests at heart.

 "For a start, I have brought some money to be used to get food for the victims because that is the most important thing needed for now. I'm trusting God for more provisions and answered prayers so that the central government and other philanthropists may chip in and assist in other areas. I implore you all to be courageous and see this disaster as life's hard part. However, let's see ourselves as one people and help those in need today", the Parliamentarian requested.

The young, astute lawmaker pledged his dedication to ensuring that the victims get all the basic things that will make them forget their predicaments and think about starting a new life.

In his response on behalf of the chiefdom, the Chiefdom speaker who also doubles as the Regent Chief of Tunkia Chiefdom, Mohamed Mustapha Mansaray alias Big "M" extends a profound gratitude to the member of Parliament for such a laudable and timely visit to emphasize with his people, adding that his presence alone is more significant than even the money. "You have indeed proven to us that voting you as a member of Parliament for our locality was not a mistake. Within this short time, you have proven that, indeed, you're a true son of the soil. We pray that God will open more doors for you because you have a heart of Gold. May this kind of thing never happen again in our Chiefdom and the entire country," Chief Mansaray prayed.

Receiving the gestures, on behalf of his colleague's victim, Sheku Swarray, thanked Honourable Alie Bayon and the entourage for the timely visit and the token. He said they were happy to receive him, although they did not plan it. He encouraged his colleagues to be strong during these trying times and plan on how to start a new chapter. The engagement brought other stakeholders of Tunkia Chiefdom together, and they made various supporting statements.

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