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By Mohamed M. Sesay

During his speech at the Special Presidential DEPAC meeting on the Constitutional Review Process held on April 11, 2024, President Julius Maada Bio assured the gathering that his government had approved and accepted a significant number of the CRC's recommendations in the White Paper. He said that in the coming weeks, they would table them before Parliament as constitutional instruments for revising the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone.

President Bio intimated that the Constitutional Review Process is not a mere revision of a legal document. He added that it is a transformative journey that would redefine the future of his beloved nation, fostering comprehensive inclusivity and ensuring the  Constitution remains a vibrant reflection of the values and aspirations of all citizens.

He acknowledged that Sierra Leone had come a long way since adopting the current Constitution. Collectively, he said they understand that no document is perfect or immutable, hence the need for this crucial Review Process.

The Commander-in-Chief said the review process is not just a duty but a shared responsibility of each one of them to ensure that the  Constitution truly represents the aspirations and values of all Sierra Leoneans and remains a dynamic document capable of addressing the society's evolving needs.

‘When I had the honour of contesting for the Presidency in 2018, I made a solemn vow to conclude this Constitutional Review Process. This Review Process, a fruit of the Lomé Peace Agreement in 1999 and a pivotal recommendation of our nation’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), was initiated in the aftermath of the civil war in 2002. Today, I am before you, reiterating my unwavering commitment to this pledge’’, he said.

President Bio noted that the TRC recommended revising the Constitution through “a wide and thorough consultative and participatory process” that “must lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which every citizen is equally protected by the law.”

President Bio recalled that the first Constitutional Review Process led by Dr Peter Tucker was initiated by the late President Ahmad Tejan Kabba in 2007, culminating in the submission of a Report in 2008. Five years later, he said former President Ernest Bai Koroma established an all-encompassing 80-man Constitutional Review Committee (CRC), chaired by the Late Justice Edmond Cowan, for a second Review Process that operated from 2013 to 2017 with the technical and financial support of Development and Diplomatic Partners.

Consequently, he said his  Government developed and issued a White Paper on the Justice Cowan Constitutional Review Committee Report in 2022, which, they believe, reflects the contributions, aspirations, and determination of the people of Sierra Leone to improve and sustain the rule of law, lasting peace, and human capital development.

‘We must also acknowledge that while we try to conclude this process, we have already taken significant steps to advance several reforms and laws recommended by the Constitutional Review Process. These include: I. Reform of media laws — mainly, the repeal of the criminal libel law, which was frequently used to infringe on the right to free speech; II.  The abolition of the death penalty and amendment of relevant legislation; III. Reform of land laws; IV. The free quality education programme and rights of pregnant girls to education; V. The amendment of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act; VI. Enactment of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act (GEWE Act); VII. Enactment of the Political Parties Regulatory Commission Act, among others’’.

President Bio reassured everyone that such an important undertaking is not meant for the benefit of one political party but rather for the people of this country. That is why, he said, just as they did during the consultation process, they would continue to implement a robust awareness-raising program to ensure public understanding and support for the process. He urged all parties involved to approach this task with diligence, integrity, and a deep sense of patriotism.


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