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By Kadijatu Hayles in Lungi

 Focus 1000, in collaboration with various stakeholders, organized a highly productive one-day workshop aimed at addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual reproductive health (SRH) issues in Port Loko District. The event, funded by Mont-MacDonald, brought together health workers, civil society organizations, family support units, and Kombra Network members from across the district.

Dominic Lumeh, the project manager at Focus1000, delivered a presentation outlining the objectives of the project. He emphasized the importance of empowering participants to raise awareness about GBV and SRH in secondary schools and establishing connections between schools and service providers. The project, titled "Sierra Leone Secondary Education Improvement Programme - Phase 2," is a five-year initiative designed to enhance learning outcomes for boys and girls at the secondary level. Additionally, it aims to increase enrollment, retention, and well-being among girls and children with disabilities in schools.

Abubakarr Bangura, a police officer attached to the Lunsare Police Station, commended Focus1000 for their timely intervention in combating GBV and SRH. However, he highlighted the challenges faced by family support units (FSUs) in their efforts to address these issues effectively. Specifically, he mentioned the lack of proper mobile phones and transportation, which hinder the FSUs' ability to deliver their services. He appealed to non-governmental organizations partnering with the government in this fight to provide assistance in terms of motor vehicles and phones to enhance the efficiency of their work.

Loretta Sesay, a civil society activist representing the Health for All Coalition, expressed gratitude for the workshop, acknowledging the difficulties faced by activists in seeking justice for victims of GBV and SRH. She pointed out the delays in obtaining medical reports from medical superintendents, which often made their work challenging. Additionally, she stressed the need for the police to be more effective, as they sometimes requested fuel expenses from victims, which many of them could not afford.

Sesay emphasized that GBV and SRH should be a concern for everyone, echoing the declaration of a state of emergency on these issues by Her Excellency Mrs. Fatima Bio. She urged stakeholders and parents to refrain from compromising these cases in an effort to protect the images of perpetrators. She further emphasized the struggles faced by victims in readjusting to normal life while dealing with the stigma associated with such experiences.

The orientation workshop organized by Focus 1000 and attended by various stakeholders served as a crucial platform for addressing the pressing issues of GBV and SRH in Port Loko District. The collaboration between government entities, civil society organizations, and activists reflects a unified effort to combat these challenges and create a safer environment for boys, girls, and vulnerable individuals.


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