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By Morlai Sesay

Security was significantly heightened in and around Kroo Town Road as tensions escalated between rival club sides, Kroo Town Road and Kroo Bay, forcing the rescheduling of their quarter-final match for the prestigious 100 million old Leones President Maada Bio trophy.

The clash between Kroo Town Road and Kroo Bay turned volatile on the night of January 10th, 2024, just under 24 hours before kick-off, prompting law enforcement intervention and necessitating the deployment of tear gas to quell the tension.

Kroo Bay, situated along the slum settlement coastline, and their arch-rivals, Kroo Town Road, located in the congested busy market street, saw fans attacking each other when spotted in the opposing team’s area. The situation escalated to the point where police intervention became imperative.

Eyewitnesses reported that tensions reached such a level that some groups contemplated breaking into shops amid the chaos. This incident marred one of the quarter-final matches of the Central One Football Association (COFA) championship.

Both teams, considered favorites for the 100 million Leone Gento-funded President Maada Bio trophy, now find their highly anticipated match put on hold due to security concerns. Philipson Cline Cole, Chairman of the Central One Football Association (COFA), announced the decision made by the Local Unit Commander (LUC) of the Central Police Station.

Cole emphasized that the safety and well-being of players, fans, and communities must always take precedence. He urged resilience and unity, noting that football had the power to unite even in challenging times. As the community awaits updates on the match’s rescheduling, Cole encouraged reflection on the importance of maintaining peace and harmony.

He appealed to all football fans and supporters to exhibit patience and continue fostering an environment of positivity and sportsmanship. Despite the setback, the COFA Chairman thanked the LUC Central Police Station and all authorities involved for their dedication to ensuring everyone’s safety.

The Central One Football Association (COFA) anticipates a meeting with the LUC at the Central Police Station on January 16, 2024, to discuss rescheduling the match. Cole conveyed excitement about the opportunity for both teams to showcase their skills, passion, and commitment to the game.

Cole concluded by urging unity, positivity, and the continuation of spreading the message of peace through the beautiful game beloved by the community.

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